Chapter 16

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You were laying on the blanket that was given to you, Iggy cuddled into your chubby arms, as you had another blanket draped over you. Your eyes were slowly closing as you could hear the crackles of the fire.

Jotaro was on night watch first. He sat as he looked out over the empty forest. Everyone was asleep.

You looked at Jotaro a bit, taking in his figure & how his black tank top clung to his sculpted figure. Your blush grew as you looked away shyly, "how can a man have such a body of an Adonis?"

"You awake?"

You flinched a bit as you looked over at Jotaro. He was looking at you with those deep ocean blue eyes. They were so intense as they bore into your (e/c) eyes.

"Y..yes, I am." Your heart couldn't stop racing as you scolded yourself for even stuttering.

"You should try & sleep, you need it."

You pout a bit, "what do you mean I need it? I'm perfectly fine."

He sighs as he pulls his hat down to hide those intense eyes, "Yare Yare...I'm only saying because I just want you to have enough rest so you won't get sick."

Your eyes widen a bit as you were a bit shocked. You then remembered his comment from before. "Oh..its because I have to be in perfect condition for my soon-to-be husband."

His eyes widen slightly as he looked at you a bit, seeing the hint of sadness in your eyes. He sighs as he mutters his signature phrase.

"...look, I said that out of anger."

"Yeah, but anger can mean the truth."

"It's not true, okay? I only said that for personal reasons."

You sat up as you looked at him with furrowed brows, "and what are those reasons? I'm only a package that has the words "fragile" on it that has to be delivered on time."

He looked into your fiery (e/c) eyes. It was like both of your eyes were fighting a mental battle with one another. He looked away as he pulls his hat down to hide them, "You're not a package. I was only angry for certain reasons that I will not explain."

You narrowed your eyes at him as you huffed, "fine, don't explain." You lay back down onto the blanket as you pulled the other closer to you & Iggy, who was now awake as he glared at Jotaro. Jotaro clicked his tongue as he sent an even more intense glare back at the dog. Iggy gave him a smug look as he cuddled into your chest more, knowing how much Jotaro wanted to have your plump body pressed against his.

Jotaro got up as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, "I'm going to check out the area."

He walked away as you sigh & stared at the fire that illuminated the night sky.

He was gone for quite a while, you soon heard some rustling inside the bushes from near the forest. You wondered what it was as you looked around a bit. Iggy lifted his head up a bit, a little groggy, as he looked over at your direction.

You both heard whispering as iggy began to growl. You got up as you went over to Polnareff as you shook him awake. His eyes widen as he sat up, "I'm up!"

You covered his mouth in a hurry, slipping from the blanket, as you fell on top of him. His eyes widen as you both blushed deeply. You put a finger to your mouth, singling him to stay quiet. You both heard the rustle as you heard muttering voices.

You moved your hand away from Polnareff as he tried his best to concentrate on the noises, feeling how your soft, curvy body pressed against his chest. He takes in a breath as he whispered, "I'll go check. I'll keep you safe, princess." He smiled at you as you blushed & gently got off of him. He immediately began to miss your softness & warmth.

He got up as he looked at you, then looked around for Jotaro, "...where's Jotaro?"

You looked at him as you looked around in worry, whispering back, "I don't know. He left a while back to check the area."

He looked at you a bit as he began to walk toward the forest, his stand coming out, "wake the others, I'll go check."

Your eyes widen a bit as you reached out to him & grabbed his pants, "wait, don't go on your own. You need back-up."

He blushed lightly as he looked down at you, seeing how beautiful you looked, wondering how you would look underneath him when he...

"Polnareff, what is going on?" Joseph was whisper yelling to him as Polnareff snapped out of it, looking at Joseph.

"We think there are intruders."

He sat up as Kakyoin woke up as Avdol sat up, looking at everyone, "an intruder?"

You nod your head as you point over to the eerie forest, "I heard whispering coming from over there"

He looked over to where you pointed as he got stood up, "lets go check it out. Polnareff, you & Kakyoin stay here & watch the princess."

He nods his head as Joseph looked around, "where's Jotaro?"

"He left his post earlier to check around the area. He couldn't even do that." Polnareff scoffed as you frowned a bit, knowing the real reason why he walked away.

Avdol nods his head as he looked at Joseph, "ready to check, Mr. Joestar?"

Joseph nods his head as they both went to check.

Kakyoin looked at you, "are you okay, Princess?"

You nod your head as you smiled, "yes, thank you for asking, Kakyoin."

He smiled as Polnareff kept his eyes to where Avdol & Joseph were walking. He sighs as he looked around, "damn, where is Jotaro? What if we need him?"

You looked at him as you looked around, growing worried as well as you hoped nothing bad happened to him, "he'll be okay..."

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