chapter 10

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You pushed away branches as you kept pushing forward through the forest, the fresh tears staining your chubby cheeks, as thoughts of being unwanted ran through your mind.

You could hear your name being called in the distance, but you ignored it as you pushed through.

Your dress soon for caught on some branches as you stopped & tried to pull it free from the branch. "Let go, stupid branch."

You pulled hard as the material from the dress ripped, making you fly back & landing on your butt. "Ow."

You get up as the voices for you were faint.

You looked around, trying to find a more open area. You muttered to yourself, "...Why did I run into the forest? God, I really am useless."

You soon heard a growl. Your eyes widen as you looked around, growing nervous, "W-Who's there?"

A crunch of a stick filled the void as you gulped hard, growing afraid.

"Y-You guys? W-Where ar-..."

You stopped yourself as Jotaros words came into your head.

You thought to yourself as you looked around, "...I can't call on them, it'll show that I'm weak."

The steps began to fill the air as you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You began to panic as you looked around faster, trying to find who or what that was.

You soon heard a loud roar, birds squaking & flying away from the trees.

You slowly turned around as your eyes laid on the thing that made that incredible roar.


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