Chapter 23

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Everyone was back at the campsite, Jotaro gently placed you back down in your spot as he sat next to you. You missed being in his arms, but you worried about being heavy in his masculine, muscular, forearms. You blushed deeply as you mentally pictured him when you saw him in his tight black tank top & white trousers. You sighed as you looked at him a bit, trying to not let him notice your staring.

Kayoin sat down as he pulls out a note pad & pencil, the sounds of a pencil scratching onto the paper filled the quiet night sky, "...if my calculations are correct...if we keep heading North with a few break stops, ...we can get the princess to the castle in about 6 days or so...thank goodness the king gave us 30 days, but we only have about 25 days left to get her there. As long as we don't have anymore issues down the road, we can get the princess there safely."

He smiled as you frowned, knowing you would only have a few days with the group of men, especially with Jotaro.

You sighed as you felt something hard, yet soft, touch the top of your hand. You looked down as you saw a large hand cover your small petite hand. You looked up as you felt like your heart stopped right then & there.

Jotaro was pulling his hat down with his other hand, but his left eye was seen by you, causing your heart to race & cheeks burn. You could see a hint of red on his cheeks as he looked away.

The others noticed as Polnareff scoffed & looked away, "Don't touch her so formally, Jotaro. How do you even know if she wants to be touched like that?"

He glared at Jotaro, jealously radiating off of him, as Jotaro gave him a smug look, seeing that you weren't moving your hand away.

You looked back & forth at the two men, not knowing what to say nor do in a situation like this. This never ever happened to you before, because you were always in the castle grounds.

Joseph cleared his throat as he smiled, "hey now, lets leave those two be. Now, let's eat something, I'm starving."

Avdol smiled as he got up from his spot, "I'll get something from the box we've brought, Mr. Joestar."

Avdol left to the carriage as Kakyoin looked at you as he smiled, "Princess, are you hungry as well?"

You blushed lightly as you grew a bit embarrassed, "yes."

He stood up as he went over to you & held his hand out, "lets go then. It seems that that fume is gone by now in you. Try walking it off?"

You smiled as you nod your head, taking his hand gently in yours as you got up, "hai."

Jotaro held onto your hand as he slowly lets you slide out of his grasp, he looked at you then to his hand, missing the soft touch & warmth. He sighs as he watched you leave with Kakyoin, cursing him under his breath as he took you away from him.

Joseph looked at Polnareff & Jotaro, a serious look on his face.

"So, you both have affection towards the princess?"

Polnareff blushed lightly as Jotaro pulled his hat down, Polnareff cleared his throat, "it seems we do."

Joseph crossed his arms as he closed his eyes & sighed, "Why do you two have to fight constantly though? It's making the princess feel weird when she's in that situation."

Polnareff spoke, "Because I love her & I want to give her the world. He's just being greedy!" 

"Ha?" Jotaro looked at him as he furrowed his brows, "what the hell do you mean by being greedy?"

"You were the one yelling at her & being mean! I came & tried to make her feel better & you ruined it by being all mister nice guy out of nowhere." He huffed as he looked away, "I truly want the princess as my wife."

Jotaro clicked his tongue as he pulled out a cig, "says the guy who flirts with every girl he sees."

He lit it up as Polnareff looked at him with furrowed brows, "that...that is not true!"

Jotaro gave him a smug look at he took in a breath & blew it out, "sure it isn't."

Polnareff gripped his fist as Joseph looked at them both, "calm down, you two. Violence & petty arguments won't get you nowhere."

They looked at him as Jotaro saw you coming, putting out his cig, "Yare Yare Daze. Lets just drop it for now."

You came back with a smile on your face as you had fresh fruits in your hands, "anyone want fruit?"

Polnareff looked at you as he felt like his temper dropped, smiling softly at you, "I'll have some."

You smiled as you say down & let him pick from the bunch. He took an apple as he ate it with a loud crunch.

You looked at Jotaro, a bit shy, as you smiled at him, "do you want some too?"

He looked at you as you felt like you could melt from his gaze. His large hand reached out & grabbed an apple as well, muttering out a soft "thank you."

You smiled as you looked at Iggy & scratched his head, "do you want fruit too, Iggy?"

He barked as his tail sagged around, letting you feed him some apple.

You take a banana as you peel it, taking the tip into your mouth. The two men eyed you as the imagine the banana as something else.

Hopefully, this night will end soon.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now