Chapter 12

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You all soon got back to the carriage, opening the carriage door as you set Iggy gently inside. "Can someone please get one of my suitcases for me? I need a new outfit since this one gotten torn & dirty." Kakyoin gladly brought you one of your suitcases as he set it in front of you, "Where will you change, Princess?" You thought as you looked at the carriage, "Inside the carriage is a good choice. I'll be out in a bit." 

You picked up an outfit as you went inside the carriage. Polnareff caught a glance at Iggy before you closed the carriage door. Iggy gave him a smug look as you shut the door, causing Polnareff throw a fit, "That perverted dog! Did you see the look he gave me?!"

The other three were confused as they laughed, Joseph spoke as he grins "You're probably overthinking it, Polnareff." 

Polnareff scoffed as he crossed his arms, his eyes going over to Jotaro who finally walked out of the forest, his hat covering his eyes. 

Joseph looked over as he smiled, "Finally, Jotaro. What took you so long?" 

He doesn't reply as he lifts his head as he looked over at the carriage you were inside, his eyes softening slightly as you stepped outside wearing this with (f/c) boots.

He doesn't reply as he lifts his head as he looked over at the carriage you were inside, his eyes softening slightly as you stepped outside wearing this with (f/c) boots

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 "Iggy, come on, we're going to walk too." You held your arms out for him as he jumped into them. The other blushed from your curvy figure in your outfit. You looked at them as you smiled shyly, "I shall be walking with you guys, I do need the fresh air & exercise." You laughed a bit as they frowned. Kakyoin spoke first, "But, princess, your feet will hurt after a while.." You cut him off by holding your hand up a bit, "I'll be fine, Kakyoin. Do not worry." 

You began to walk with Iggy in your arms, he barked softly as you gently set him down as he looked over at the others as he smirked smugly as he walked with you side-by-side. 

Polnareff's eyes widen as he looked at the others & pointed at the dog that walked with confidence next to you, "See! I told you he gave me a smug look! He did it again!" 

Joseph rubbed his chin a bit as he looked over at the dog, "You were right, Polnareff." 

Jotaro kept his eyes on you, watching you walk as your smile illuminated the afternoon sky. He sighs, "Yare Yare Daze. Let's just go." He went began to walk, slowly following behind you, as the others watched. 

They gotten the horse going as it moved the carriage. 

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now