Chapter 3

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As you finally came to a resting area, Kakyoin helped you out the cart, as your eyes laid onto a motel.

You smiled as you looked at him, "a motel?" He blinked as he frowns, "do you not like it, Princess? We can find a better location for you." You shook your head as you smiled, "No, this is perfect. I always wanted to go to a commoners hotel, actually."

You smiled brightly as Kakyoin sweat drops, "Commoners?" You looked at him as you frowned a bit, "I'm sorry, did I offend you?" He shook his head as he smiles, "No, Princess. Not at all." You smile as you looked back at the building, "let's go inside!"

As you all walked in, from the corner of the building, thugs watched you walk inside as they smirked darkly, laughing to themselves.

As you walked inside, it was a nice, but plain, motel. They went over to the Motel owner, his eyes widen seeing you walk inside, as he bows. "Y-Your majesty, thank you for coming here."

You grew a bit shy as you smiled, "It's okay, I'm just staying here for the night, no need to be courtesy.

He looks at you as he blushes lightly, seeing the Western Princess with his own eyes. "A-All of you get free rooms, of course." Your eyes widen as you shook your hand, paying for the rooms. "B-But, your majesty..." you smiled at him, "it's okay, I want to pay, not take money from my people." He blushes more as he bows, hanging you the room keys as he got workers to get your luggage."Enjoy your stay here, your majesty. Whatever you want or need, we'll give it to you."

You all thanked the owner as you went into your rooms; Joseph shared a room with Avdol, Kakyoin with Polnareff, & you with Jotaro. Your heart raced a bit too fast as you entered the two bed room with him, his tall form towering over your chubby, (short/tall) one.

You looked around as the men finished putting your two luggages in as they left.

", this is a motel room?" You looked at him as he went over to one of the beds as he laid on it, not replying to your question. You looked at him as you kneel down to open your luggage, pulling out these cute pj's.

You looked at him shyly as you smiled, "i-I'm going to go change. Excuse me." You went into the bathroom as you didn't realize his eyes followed you. You went inside the bathroom as you looked around, seeing how it was tiny & plain compared to your extravagant bathroom. You sighed & changed, trying to figure out any kind of way to start a conversation with your quiet bodyguard.

You slowly came out, growing embarrassed & shy, wondering if your outfit is too childish. Wait, why were you thinking about that, you loved your pj's, but thinking about Jotaro, got you thinking about your clothes. You went over to your bed as you sat down, picking up the remote control as you turned it on,  watching some TV shows that the motel offered.

 An hour passed as you were slowly falling asleep as Jotaro watched you the whole time, seeking glances at you from time to time. You soon fell asleep as he sighs a bit, getting up as he tucked you in the bed.

He took off his jacket & shirt, leaving himself in his tank top & white dress pants, getting in bed as he fell asleep.

As the night became quiet, there was murmures outside the motel you were in, plans being made on how to get the princess out from her room & guards care.


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