Chapter 51

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Everyone finished the dinner; empty plates & leftover bones. Polnareff rubbed his stomach as he sighed with delight, "That was quite the feast."

Dios plate was untouched, his wine glass was empty, the red residue left inside. He was watching you like a hawk, causing you to let go of Jotaros hand from underneath the table, revealing to Dio both of your hands. You cleared your throat as you stood up, "Excuse me, I believe I'll return to my room for the day."

Both Jotaro & Dio looked up at you. Dio spoke as he looked over at Jotaro in annoyance, "Well, if you insist. But," he takes your hand in his as he smirked seductively, kissing your hand softly, "I was thinking of us spending the night together~"

Your eyes widen a bit as you turned flushed. You cleared your throat as you slowly slipped your hand away from his grasp, "I'm sorry, Prince Dio, but I would like to be alone."

You moved away from the table, sneaking a glance at Jotaro as you gave him a small smile, leaving the dining hall. The two men watched you go, soon glaring at one another.

Dio smiled as he cleared his throat, "So, Jotaro, how do you enjoy your stay in such a fine place for once in your life? You'll probably never get a chance like this ever again."

Jotaro made a tch sound with his mouth as he looked away, "Doesn't matter. I rather travel the world then stay cooped up in a boring, dull, lifeless castle."

Dio's eyebrow twitched a bit, his smile forced on his pale skin, "I see...well, try to at least enjoy yourself...not too much."

Jotaro let out a small smirk, standing up as he pulled out his cigarette pack; he pulls out one as he placed it between his lips. He looked at Dio as he spoke, "You have no idea how much fun I've had so far in this castle...& I don't plan on stopping it once I leave."

He turned away from the table as he walked away. Dio watched him as he questioned what Jotaro meant by those words.

Jotaro walked through the halls as he soon spotted you; you were leaning against a open windowsill, the window gently blowing past you, your hair gracefully flowing with it. He blushed lightly as he felt his heart race. He pulls his hat down as he went over to you. You didn't notice until you heard him spoke, "Mind if I smoke her?" You turned your head toward him as you smiled & nod your head, "Of course."

He sits on the wide windowsill as he began to lite his cig, his back pressed against the wall of the windowsill. He takes in a long puff, releasing it into the the falling sun that painted the sky in bright colors. You couldn't help but stare at him, your cheeks turning a light red. He looks so handsome right now; he was facing out the window, the cig pressed against his two fingers, his chest was moving softly as he breathed in the fresh air. He looked at you as he blushed lightly & looked away, "Don't stare at me like that." Your eyes widen as you blushed even more, looking out the window, "I-I'm sor-" you didn't let you finish as he sighs, "Don't apologize...I didn't mean it like that." You slowly looked at him as he had a smirk on his face, looking at you, "You had this...lustful expression~ Like you wanted to ride the Jojo train again~"

You stood up as you were lost for words, both astonished & excited, "Y-You...!"

He laughed as you watched him, it was a genuine laugh that you never heard from him. You couldn't help but smile as you laughed as well.

The laughing slowly came to a quiet, but it was a comfortable silence that you both enjoyed. He smoked as you took your place back on the windowsill. God, you wish you could live your life like this everyday with Jotaro, you never wanted to leave his side. Jotaro thought the same way for you, he wanted you in his embrace & never let you go.

A dark aura was unnoticed by you, but Jotaro could sense it. He ignored it, for now, because he knew who it was coming from.

Dio was watching you both, his blood boiling as he heard Jotaro use his dirty phrase at you, showing him that you two done something that you shouldn't have committed. His nails scratched the walls as they cracked under his strength. He spoke in his dark thoughts, "How dare she, that whore!! I'll teach her a lesson that she'll never forget, ever!! As for you, Jojo, I'll drain you of your blood & make you suffer everyday for the rest of your life!"

He turned away from the happy couple as he left. Jotaro sighs as he takes in another drag of his cig, he left himself in his come thoughts, "Damn, now, I'm going to have to deal with him..." He looked at you as you were looking around. He let out the smoke of his cig as he watched you, "Hey, what's wro-...!" His eyes were wide as you kissed him deeply on the lips. They slowly fluttered as he wrapped an arm around your waist, kissing you back. Your tongues entwined with one another as you kissed one another for a few minutes. You slowly pulled back as your salvia was connected his his, panting softly as he smirked, "Well well, does someone want control~?" You blushed lightly as you puffed your chubby cheeks & looked away, "A-And, so what if I do?"

He chuckled as he kissed your forehead softly, leaning down to nip your ear between his lips as he spoke huskily into your ear, "Truthfully, I don't mind~" Your eyes widen as you shivered with delight, burying your face into his chest. He laughed, his chest vibrating as you looked up at him, "H-Hey!" He looked down at you as he smiled, "What?" Your heart raced as you looked away, sliding your hands around his body, as you embraced him, "...Can you tell me more about yourself?"

He blinked as he flicked out his cig, "Alright, what do you want to know?"

You looked up at him as you smiled with glee, "Everything!!"

He looked at you as he hid his smile, thinking to himself, "Cute." He looked outside as he began to speak about his young childhood all the way up too adulthood, you mentally took note of everything; his favorite foods, his birthday, his prized possessions, even his future decisions. You wanted to know everything about the man you fallen in love with.

He finally finished off with him studying on his biology research for his future job. He looked at you as he raised a brow, "Now, aren't you going to tell me something about yourself."

You looked at him as you were placed out of your mental thoughts. You looked at the stone windowsill as you were quiet, "...Well, there isn't much to say..." He looked at you, "Oh? Why not?"

You bit your plump lip, "Because, all my life I was stuck inside the castle. When I tried to play with the other kids outside, they would tease me because of my weight &, I never had friends before. My mother passed away when I was young & my father became much colder then usual...I was shocked when he hugged me before I left, but I knew he was more happy to get the back up he needed for his castle, instead of seeing his daughter be married." You sighed as you smiled, "But, I'm happy that I met the love of my life during this journey." You looked at him as you smiled, "Right, Jotaro?"

Jotaro became a blushing mess as he pulls down his hat to hide it all from you, "R-Right." You smiled more as you wanted to tease him, "Jotaro, is that a blush I see~?" He shook his head as he tried to move his face away, but it only gave away his red ears, "No. You're just thinking too much on it." You laughed as you leaned over & kissed his neck. His breathing hitched as he stiffened a bit, "O-Oi, don't do that."

You looked at him as you already began to see the red in his face, "Why not~?"

"Because, you're going to give me a hard on right here & now." He looked down at you as your (E/c) eyes met with his blue ones. You blushed darkly as you moved away & off the windowsill, "P-Pervert." You began to walk away as he smirked, getting off & following behind you, "I didn't do anything thing. For all we know, you're the pervert."

You pout a bit as you looked at him, "Fine, so what if I am? I only want to do that with you." He smiled a bit as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "I don't mind, Princess~ Not one bit~"

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now