chapter 5

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You were held captive by the three men as Jotaro stood there, wearing his black tank top & white dress pants. He glared at the men as he scoffs, "Let her go, or I'll use my star platinum to kill you three."

The men glared at him as the boss pulled you to him, knife still at throat, as he held you close, "Don't you dare use your stand on us. I'll kill the girl in an instant."

Jotaro glares at him as his stand showed up. Your eyes widen slightly as you finally saw his for the first time.

One of the men began to freak out as the other smacked him upside the head, muttering, "calm down, idiot! The boss will get us out of this."

"Here, you two take the girl! I'll handle him!"

He shoved you to the two men as they grabbed you, taking you out of the kitchen as you kicked & tried to break free of their grip. Jotaro clicked his tongue as he kept his eyes on you, angry seething through him, seeing someone other then him touch you.

"ORA!!!" Jotaros stand punched one of the men hard in the face, busting his jaw, as the other man shook in fear as he let you go & ran.

You ran over to Jotaro as you hid behind him.

"Cowards! Fight like real men!!" The boss seethed as he saw what happened to his men, as he glared at Jotaro. Jotaro wasn't phased as he glared right back at the man.

"You're next, creep." Jotaros Ora charged at him, the man dodging it as his stand came out, throwing a punch toward him, but Ora caught it as he punched the man's stand straight in the jaw, making both Stand & Stand user flying & crashing into the wall. His stand disappeared as the man was knocked out. Jotaro put his hand in his pocket as he tilts his hand down. "Yare Yare Daze."

He turned to look at you as you look back at him, blushing as you looked away shyly. "T-Thank you for sav-"

"Are you an idiot?!"

Your eyes widen as you looked at him, his brows furrowed. "You could've been kidnapped & even sold to other pervertic bastards! Why did you leave alone?!"

You grew embarrassed as you looked down at your feet, "I..I was hungry, so I thought I could get a snack."

He looks at you as he sighs, "Come on, I'll try making you something."

You looked up at him as he pulled his hat down to hide his face, turning his back to you as he went to the fridge, looking at the man as he clenched his jaw, picking him up by the collar, as well as the other guy, & threw them both out the motel. He came back as he looked at you, "Let's eat."

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now