chapter 8

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You all stopped a while later, seeing a beautiful river flow down the path. You smiled brightly as you stepped out, taking your heels off, as you lift your dress to place your feet inside. "This feels amazing."

They smiled as they watched you play in the water as they heard your giggles.

"She's quite the looker, sadly, she's taken." Polnareff sighs as Kakyoin looked at him, "Well, that is the life of a princess." Avdol nods his head, "I agree. None of us shouldn't fall for her, even if she's beautiful."

Joseph looked at Avdol as he smirked, "you actually find a women attractive, Avdol?"

He blushed lightly as he crossed his arms & closed his eyes, "Of course, Mr. Joestar."

Joseph grins as he looked over at Jotaro who was quietly watching you, smoking a cigarette.

"Oi, Jotaro. What do you think about the princess? Do you find her cute too?" He wiggled his brows as he looked at his quiet grandson.

He scoffs as he flicked his finished cigarette to the floor as he glares at Joseph. "There's nothing cute about her, old man. She's fat, what's there to like." He looked back at you as Joseph furrowed his brows, "Jotaro, what if she heard you?! You need to learn to have manners!"

You clearly heard what they all said. Your back was to them as you frowned, holding your chubby tummy a bit as you sighed, "fat, huh? I should just get rid of these weird feelings for him once & for all."

You stood up straight as you got out of the small river. You then felt a presence behind you as it grabbed your ankle & pulled you down into the river, "Aah!!"

Your scream alerted the others as they looked over & ran over to you.

"Princess!!" Polnareff yelled out your name as he grabbed your hand, helping you from not being dragged in.

"What the hell?! Since when did the water get this deep?!" Polnareff yelled out as he pulls you out, a blue hand with sharp claws was seen holding your ankle.

"Oh my God!!!" Joseph saw it as he pointed it out.

Jotaro went over as he grabbed the hand that held you captive, crushing it as Polnareff helped you out. "Bastard, show yourself!" Jotaro looked around as a tall, muscular man with black hair came out from hiding behind the trees, "Hello, Jotaro."

He glares at him as he stood up, "Get the princess out of here."

Polnareff got you up as he took you back to the carriage. You looked at Jotaro as you grew worried for him.

"What should we do, Polnareff?! What if Jotaro gets killed?!" You grew worried as the French man looked at you & smiled, "don't worry, Princess. Jotaro can take care of himself."

You looked back at Jotaro as his stand came out, ready to battle it out with the strange stand user

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now