Chapter 37

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He couldn't believe what was happening. His beloved (y/n) was threatening him with a knife. No. This isn't her, no way.

Then, it hit him. He remembered Joseph's words, "But, Jotaro! Didn't you see it too? She consumed some of the slime, we don't know what's happening to her right now with that in her system!"

He figured it out, this bastard is controlling you with his sludge. He'll kill him once he sees him. Using your figure & beauty take control & use it against Jotaro.

He soon felt you press the knife more onto his throat. He immediately grabbed your wrist that held the knife, flipping you both over as he pinned you underneath him. You laughed wildly as you looked at him. He soon noticed how your beautiful (e/c) eyes were now solid black, the same color as that sludge.

He made you let go of the knife, "What the hell do you want with her?!"

Your voice changes, dark & lucid, as someone else spoke for you, "What do you think? I'm just using her body for my own entertainment~"

He laughs as it slowly brings up your voice with his, "Don't you want to have fun with your girl~? I'm letting you take advantage of this situation~"

Jotaro grit his teeth, trying to hold back at not swinging at this prick that possessed you.

"What do you want?!" Jotaro, at this point, would do anything to protect you. 

You stayed quiet as the man spoke for you, "Absolutely nothing~ I just want to see you suffer~"

Jotaro was losing it, "Where the hell are you hiding, you piece of shit?!"

"That's a secret~ Now, die by someone you love~!!"

Your strength was out of this world, kicking Jotaro off of you with your legs. He was sent flying as his back smashed against the wall.

This alerted both Kakyoin & Joseph. They ran over to the room you both stayed in as they knocked on the door, "Princess! Jotaro! Are you alright?!"

You looked over at the door as you smirked darkly. Jotaro looked as he gets up with a grunt, "STAY AWAY!"

You ran over to the door as Jotaro immediately grabbed you, but because of this new found brute strength, you flipped him over & onto the floor, "Come on in, boys~ the door is unlocked~"

Joseph slams the door open as he blushed, seeing you only in your panties & bra. Kakyoins curl straightens upward as he looked away with a deep blush.

Joseph cleared his throat as he saw Jotaro on the floor, "What is going on in here?!"

You smirked as you pulled out the knife that you've dropped earlier, "We're only playing~"

Their eyes widen as Joseph got into a fighting stance, "I knew it! That sludge creep is controlling her!" 

You threw your knife right at them as Joseph yelled out "Oh my God!"

He dodged it with Kakyoin as the knife hit the wall.

"Mr. Joestar, what's happening to the princess?!" Kakyoin looked a bit panicked as he looked at you, seeing the black in your eyes. Joseph looked at him as he looked back at you, "She's possessed."

Kakyoin looked at him in shock, "Possessed?!"

Joseph nods his head as his Hermit purple came into view, "Yeah & he have to snap her out of it before she's too gone! Hermit Purple!!"

The vines wrapped around you as you were pushed down onto the ground, "Let me go!!" You let out a Shrilled scream, a scream that sounded nothing like yours; it was deep like a man's.

Polnareff & Avdol came running over. Polnareff looked at you as he blushed deeply, "M-Mr. Joestar, what the hell? The princess isn't used for this kind of thing!"

Joseph looked at him with a light blush & furrowed brows, "You idiot, it's nothing like that at all! That slime bastard possessed her!!"

Polnareffs eyes widen as he looked at you. You soon were in tears, laying on the floor, as you looked at Polnareff, your voice back to normal, "P-Polnareff, help me. T-They're all being so mean to me."

His eyes widen as he pushed passed the others as he kneels down in front of you, "I'm so sorry, Princess."

Joseph looked at him as he tried to keep the now loose vines on you, "Polnareff, no! Stay away from her!"

Polnareff furrowed his brows as he helped pull the vines off from you, "Mr. Joestar, what has gotten into you guys?!"

He helps you up as he turned his back towards you as he lectured the others. Your frowned turned into a sadistic smile, your eyes black once again, "What a gentleman~"

You grabbed the nearby knife from the floor as you tried to pierce Polnareff with it. Soon, Jotaro grabbed it before you could plunge it into Polnareffs side. The blade was wrapped around Jotaros hand, blood seeping out from it. The black instantly went away. You let go off the knife as you looked around, then toward Jotaro. You were speechless as Jotaro looked at you, his ocean blue eyes filled with worry for you.

You looked at his hand as you notice the blood dripping from it. He grabbed his hand gently as tears filled your eyes, seeing where the knife aimed for, "I...I..."

You began to shake as you made Jotaro let the knife go as it made a thud sound as it plopped onto the carpet. You gently held his hand close to your face as you cried softly, "I'm so sorry."

Jotaro looked at you as the others looked as well. Jotaro slowly pulled you into a hug, holding you close to him, as he whispered softly, "It's okay. We're going to solve this."

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now