chapter 6

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Jotaro & you tried your best to come up with anything, throwing out the burnt egg the man left on the stove.

You both sat down at the kitchen table as you ate with him. It was quiet as you looked up at him, taking in his built muscles & broad shoulders. You blushed as you looked down at your plate.

"So, what's it like being in an arranged marriage?"

You stopped moving your fork as you looked up at him, he was still eating, his head down as his eyes were covered by his hat.

"...well, I don't know...I mean, if it's for my kingdom, I'll do anything."

Your heart raced as you kept your gaze on his hat, wanting to see his face. He replied, "hmm..." as the kitchen grew quiet once again.

You both finished eating as you helped wash the dishes & left back into the room you both shared. He lays in his bed as he takes his hat off. You looked out the window, afraid of the men from earlier.

"C-...can I sleep next to you?"

Your face was deep red now, embarrassed & feeling regret from your words that you uttered.

He looked at you as you slowly looked at him, he saw your blush as the moonlight hit you perfectly. He hid his blush by looking away. "Yare Yare Daze. Come on."

Your heart raced faster then ever. You never shared a bed with another man before, but you hated to sleep alone in your bed.

You went over to him as you got onto the mattress he laid on, crawling over to him, as you laid down next to him, a few inches apart from one another.

"Thank you, Jotaro."

He nods his head as he laid on his side, his back facing you. You did the same, too embarrassed to look at him, as you both could feel the body hear radiating off one another.

"Goodnight." You spoke softly as he spoke back, "Night."

The next morning, you felt warmth enveloped all around you. You cuddled more into you, wanting as much warmth as possible. You loved the heat as you gripped the cloth lightly. You thought to yourself, "What is this? I don't ever want to wake up."

Sadly, the sunlight hitting your eyes made you open them slowly. You fluttered your eyes as you stared at a chest wearing a black tank top.

You stayed quiet, trying to process what it was. You soon looked you as you saw two ocean blue eyes looking into yours. You tried to process what was happening, as you soon realized you were in Jotaros arms. You bushed darkly as you got up fast & fell off the bed.

"Ow." You rubbed your head as he sat up & stretched. "Yare Daze. So early in the morning."

You blushed even more as you thought your heart was going to burst, the sunlight was hitting him perfectly as he yawned, getting out of bed as he held his hand out for you to grab. "Come on, I don't got all day."

You hesitated as you take his hand, getting up, as you dusted off your clothes. "Thank you."

He puts his jacket on, along with his hat, as he looked at you. "I'll be outside the room so you can get dressed."

You nod your head as he left the room.

Your heart wouldn't stop racing as you remembered how his hands gently gripped your waist, the way his chest pressed against you, his heat & scent radiating off of you.

You shook the thoughts out of your head as you looked at your body in the mirror. "Who am I kidding? He probably thought I was a huge body pillow." You laughed lightly as you went to change.

You came out in this as you smiled at him, "I'm ready. What do you think of my outfit?"

His eyes widen a bit as he saw you in your outfit

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His eyes widen a bit as he saw you in your outfit. He stood quietly as he pulled his hat down to hide his light blush. For some reason, he didn't want other men to see you in that outfit.

" makes you look fat. You look horrible in it. Go change." He couldn't believe the words he told you, but he couldn't help but utter them out.

Your eyes widen as you looked down at your dress. You thought it looked great on you, suiting the chub on your body. You gulped as he could feel tears burn the back of your eyes.

"I-I see...I'll go ch-.."

"Wow! Monsherri Princess, you look amazing!!"

You turned your head as you saw the silver haired man with the other men, all smiling at you. You blushed deeply as you smiled brightly.

"R-Really?" You looked at Jotaro a bit as he looked away. Clenching his fist in secret as he wanted to punch the French man for even complimenting you.

Polnareff held your hand in his as he kissed it. "Of course, Monsherri."

You smile a bit as the earlier comment from Jotaro stayed with you, wanting him to find you beautiful then others.

"Thank you, Polnareff. You're very sweet."

You smiled softly at him as he blushes, standing up straight as he cleared his throat. "Now, we came here to go eat some breakfast with you."

"That sounds wonderful. Let's go."

You smiled as they followed you, Jotaro behind the group as he glares at the men around you, scoffing & wanting to hit himself for not complimenting you to make you smile.

It was going to be a long day for you & your bodyguards.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now