Chapter 48

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Warning: Contains sexual content. If you don't like this, skip this chapter. Thank you for reading.

It was quiet in the large room; your eyes wandered his masculine form, taking in every inch of skin that was exposed. You walked over to him as you sat down on the bed next to him.

He watched you strut over with his blue eyes; watching the way your curvy hips swayed with each step. You looked at you as you sat next to him.

No words were spoken between you both. You didn't know what to do; your heart racing as you wanted to do more than just talk with this man; you wanted action, passion, intense heat all over your body. You wanted him pressed against your body as his name escaped from your plump lips.

You bit your lip, the images swirling around your mind, but you shook it away.

"Why are you here?"

You were snapped out of your fantasies as you looked over at the strong male; he was looking at you with a cold expression, but, you could tell, his eyes showed worry & affection for you.

You take in a breath as you looked away, a light blush spreading across your chubby cheeks, "Well...I came to apologize to you. I shouldn't have hidden...that from you & I hurt you...I'm sorry."

It was quiet as he looked at you. You don't know why, but your eyes were filling up with tears; tears of guilt & embarrassment. Your hand gently cupped the hindrance that Dio left earlier; still warm & tingly when you touched it.

Jotaro lifted your chin gently, making you look up at him. His eyes widen as he saw the tears in your (E/c) eyes; they slowly slide down your pink cheeks. He wiped them away as his eyes went over to your hand that covered your neck. He raised a brow as he gently grasped your small hand, pulling it away slowly. His eyes widen as he sees the small, red mark. He grits his teeth as anger boiled in him.

He tried to keep his temper in control, speaking gruff, his thumb rubbing over the mark, "Did he do this?"

You stayed quiet as you looked away, ashamed that he seen.

He sighs as you felt his hot breath against your neck, shivers being sent down your spine, "Guess I'll add more~"

You blushed deeply as he bit your neck, sucking on it lightly, "A-Aah~ w-Wait, Jotaro~" You gripped his muscular shoulders a bit, softly pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge. The sexual tension between you both was so strong, that he couldn't handle it anymore. This was it, this was what he wanted; and so did you.

He pushed you down softly into the soft sheets, kissing your neck more as your soft moans escaped from your (l/c) lips.

He pulls away slowly as he smirked, "There~ I marked you once again~ You're mine, (Y/N). Always remember that~"

Your blush was a deep red, "I-I can't, but I want to be yours, Jotaro~"

"Then, be mine. Who cares what anyone thinks any more, (Y/N). What do you want in your life? I know it's not some sick bastard who'll force himself on you."

You looked into his ocean blue eyes, always feeling like you're always whisked away from his enchanting eyes, "Jotaro...I want you & you only. I-I don't care anymore...please, make me yours."

He blushed deeply, looking away as he covers his mouth, "Shit. Why are you so cute?" He looked back at you as he furrowed his brows a bit as he smirked, "but, I'll accept your request, (Y/N)."

He leaned down as you lean up with him, your lips catching into one another, moving in sync. Your moans were blocked by his intense, heated kiss. Your kisses were filled with passion & want.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now