Chapter 11

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They all ran inside the forest, searching for you as everyone kept yelling out for you to respond. 

Jotaro's heart couldn't stop pounding inside his chest, feeling like it would burst any moment. He couldn't figure out why his heart was acting like this. All he could think about is your safety & if you were alright, flashes of your beautiful smile flashed through his racing mind. His abdomen stung from the previous battle, but he could careless, thinking the worst from your scream from earlier. 

"Princess (y/n)?! Please, tell us you're okay! Where are you?!" Polnareff was yelling out for you as his stand sliced away at branches. He soon spots your torn dress skirt piece, hanging off a branch. He picks it up as he shown the torn cloth to the others, "Look! She must be close by!" 

Everyone went over as Avdol took it in his hands gently, "I hope she's okay." Kakyoin nods his head as he looked around for extra clues. "Let's keep moving forward." 

They all agreed as they followed. Jotaro was behind them as he stopped, hearing small giggles, as he looked at the direction. "...Over here." 

They stopped as they all turned to look at Jotaro. They followed as the giggles gotten louder with each step. "Why is there laughter? Don't tell me this forest is haunted?!" Joseph looked around a bit as he spoke. Avdol shook his head as he looked at Joseph, "Fear not, Mr. Joestar, This forest is not haunted." Joseph let out a breath of relief as they all saw your back as you sat on the dirt floor. Jotaro's heart slowed down just a bit, relieved to see you were okay. 

Polnareff had tears in his eyes as he smiled brightly, "Princess! You're okay!" 

You turned around as you smiled brightly, "Hey, you guys! Look what I found!" 

You stood up & turned your body all around to face them properly, showing them a white & black furred dog with blue eyes, growling as it saw the other as it cuddled into you, "I think i'll call him Iggy." 

"...That's an ugly dog, Princess." Polnareff stared at it as he furrowed his brows a bit in disgust. Your eyes widen as you furrowed them, "He is not ugly! He's adorable & he's my pet!" 

Jotaro went over to you, grabbing your shoulders as he looked down at you, his eyes filled with concern & worry, scanning your curvy figure for cut or bruising. "Why did you scream? Are you hurt?" 

Before you could answer, Iggy barked as his stand came out, causing you to be lifted into the air with him as your eyes widen, screaming a bit, as the others got into a fight stance. 

"What the hell?! It has a stand!" Joseph yelled out as Jotaro glared at the dog. 

Polnareff's stand came into view as it went into a fight stance as well, "Don't worry, Princess! I'll save you from that mangy mutt!" 

Your eyes widen as you held Iggy closer to your chubby body as you shook your head, "Don't hurt him! He's only protecting me!" You pet Iggy's head softly as you looked at him & smiled soflty, speaking gently to him, "It's okay, Iggy. They're my friends." 

He looked at you as he slowly sets you down onto the ground as his stand disappeared. You looked at the others as your eyes landed on Jotaro, soon dropping your gaze away from his, trying to figure out why he changes his mood so fast when it comes to you. "No one is aloud to lay a finger on Iggy. He's my dog & that's that. Let's go back now." 

You walked past everyone, your (e/c) eyes looking straight into Jotaro's ocean blue ones. You looked away as you felt your cheeks burn, your heart aching to see that sweet side of Jotaro instead of his cold one. Everyone followed as Polnareff stayed behind with Jotaro. He looked over at Jotaro as he glared at him, "You better apologize to her or she'll never forgive you for your cruel words...also, if you hurt her in anyway ever again, i'll kill you myself." Polnareff left, his feet crunching the dried up leaves as he left Jotaro to think about what he's done to hurt you. 

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