Chapter 3 - bored

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Ariana's *POV*


My alarm was going off cause I had to be at the set for Sam&Cat at 10:00, I tired not to wake jai, he was a heavy sleeper thank god, I got up from the bed and went in the bathroom to take a shower, I took off all my cloths and got in, I let the hot water run down my back, I washed my hair and body and then got out, I wrapped a towel around me and walked out, jai was still asleep thank goodness, I walked over to my closet and picked out my shirt, it was a crop top and it was black, and then I picked out a skirt, it was pink and it had black dots on it, I put my black heels on, I left my hair down cause I have to put the Cat wing on so there no point of doing it, I didn't put make up on either, I kissed Jai's cheek and grabbed my phone and walked down stairs, beau was sleeping on the couch, and skip was on the floor with the dogs, I don't even know why though, then I grabbed a water and a apple and my keys and walked out the door and drove to the set.

Luke's *POV*

I hear a door shut and I woke up, I'm a light sleeper unlike jai, he don't hear shit, I think it was ariana cause she has to do a episode for Sam&Cat, I tired to go back to sleep but I couldn't, I went on twitter and followed some fans then I tweeted

@luke_brooks: Thanks @arianagrande for waking me up! Now I'm bored 😩

I tweeted it and locked my phone and went down stairs, I made a cup of tea and walked outside, it was kinda cold today, I was just sitting out there then I heard the door open and it was beau, he asked what time it was, 9:45 beau! He moaned and walked back in the house, I'm really bored so I go back inside and try and wake jai up, he wouldn't move so I got water and poured it all over him, he screamed and chased after me, it was so funny but then I felt bad cause now ariana has to change her seats! Oh well hahaha.




I feel like no one likes this so I don't know how much longer I'll be writing this..

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