Chapter 13- pregnancy scare..

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*1week later*

Ariana's *POV*

I wake up and run to the bathroom and puke, jai must had heard me and ran into the bathroom and asked if I was okay, I tried to say no and puked agin, jai ran and got me a towel and water, I couldn't get up I felt so week and my stomach hurts, jai helped me up and walked me over to the bed, I laid back down and told jai to hand me my phone, I went to my calendar and noticed I was suppose to get my period 2 days ago, I NEVER miss my period, I asked jai if you used a condom the last time we had sex and he said he doesn't think so cause it was the heat of the moment, I started to cry and jai said we will get through this, I couldn't stop crying, if I have a baby it will ruin everything, I'm still working on my album and I'm going on your next summer, jai started to cry and we walked into the bathroom, I called Alexa she's my bestfriend and I just need to tell her first, she didn't answer.. Which made me cry even more, jai walks in and says "do you want me to go get you a pregnancy test" I nodded and he told the boys to look after me, beau walks in, he's the last person I want to see right now..

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