Chapter 8- Jai's back!

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Ariana's *POV*

I wake up to the boys laughing, I get up and look down and I'm only in my bra so I go and find some shorts and put them on, it hurt so much to bend, like it hurt down there a lot, I open my door and walk down stairs, I walked slow down the steps like I said my body hurts.. I see jai, and notice he has scratches all up and down his back, I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream, I feel so embarrassed, I try and walk back up the steps but beau yelled my name and said "hey how was last night" and winked, I turned around and walked over to jai and rolled my eyes at beau, jai gave me a hug and kissed me, and I said my night was AMAZING what about you, and I walked into the kitchen, the boys laughed and jai came in behind me, he was being all lovely and I turned him around to look at his back, damn I said and jai laughed and she "it didn't hurt at all" and we began to makeup out. Then James and skip were mocking us and laughing, then I saw a flash and it was beau, I didn't pay any mind to him, me and jai walked back up stairs and I threw at jai and he put it on, I went on twitter and saw that beau put a picture up and I was tagged, I opened the picture and it was me and jai kissing and Jai's back was in it, I screamed beaus names and ran down the stairs, we ended up ran around the whole house until he tripped and I tackled him, it hurt so bad, I finally got him on the ground and I grabbed his phone and deleted it.

Beau's *POV*

Ariana tacked me to the ground and took my phone and deleted the picture of her and jai, ariana was still on too of me and I said " are you always on too" I got a smack to the face and she got up, I yelled and she laughed, I asked her what we were doing today and she said she has to go to the studio and said we could go, I was so excited cause iggy and big sean was going to be there cause she's doing a new song and there featured on it, I ran up to the room I was staying in and changed into my red skinny jeans and black dirty pig shirt, and white vans, I walked back down stairs and waited for the test of the boys and ariana.





Sorry my mom took my phone so here's a little something .. Sorry 🙈

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