Chapter 29- sad times.

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*the next day*

Ariana's *POV*

I'm 5 and I feel so big and none of my clothes fit, I've been wearing leggings and big sweaters for the past month, me and the boys are on out way to the mall so I can get some new clothes, we got out of the car and I was completed blinded by the flashes, I can't go anywhere now without running into paps or paps following me, jai and beau were on both sides on me and skip and luke were in front of us and James was behind us, all the boys are very protected over me, we finally made it into the mall, I walked into this really cute store and bought some shirts and stretchy pants, I got some flip flops and baby clothes, James and beau were taking picture with fans and the rest f us were waiting, then this girl came up to me and told me I should get an abortion cause jai will leave me and that jai can do better, I walked away and ran out the door, thank god the paps weren't there, I ran to my car and sat my head on the steering wheel and cried, I heard a knock on the window, I looked up and saw luke, I opened the door and he hugged me and told me not to cry, it was too hard not too, I let go of luke and he got in to car, then the rest of the boys got in, I didn't say a word to any of them, thank god Frankie would be home when I got there, jai put his hand in my thigh and I moved it off, I didn't want him to touch me I felt embarrassed and I felt disgusted.. I cried the whole way home, I was the first in the front door and I walked up to Frankie's room, he was laying on his bed, I laird next to him and cried he warped his arms around me and asked what was wrong, I told him what had happened and he raged and went on and on, he talked for hours and then he fell asleep so I got up and walked down stairs and into the kitchen I didn't even look to see where anyone was, I'm so hurt and sad and I just want to alone, no, I wanted to be in Jai's arms..

Luke's *POV*

When we got home ariana went straight to Frankie's room and didn't come out till 4 hours later, I felt so bad, that "fan" said some pretty messed up stuff to her, I really wanted to punch the girl but I knew I couldn't, some fans are upset they jai and ariana are together and now that there having a baby it's making it all worse.

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