Chapter 12- filming and isaac!

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Still Ariana's *POV*

I walked in my room and jai pushes me on the bed and he locks the door, he took his shirt and pants off and he started to kiss my neck, then be took my shirt off and we uhm yeah, this is the 2nd this week like damn, after we were done I put shorts on and out my bra back on and a tank top, I unlocked the door and climbed back in bed, jai put his pants back on and then we cuddle, he always knew how to cheer me up, we both ended up falling asleep and not waking up till the next day at 12:00, I have to go do Sam&Cat today at 1:00 so I got up and took a shower, when I got out I put in grey leggings and a black v-neck, and I didn't even brush my hair, I kissed Jai's cheek and left.

I pulled up to the set and got greeted by Jeanette, she was all smiles like always, I went into hair and makeup and then went to my dressing room to get change, Cat had to wear a pink flower dress with white keds and a cream color cardigan, after 5 hours of filming I finally got to I back home, it was 6:00 and I knew the boys had a meeting with there manger at 5:30 so there probably not home, so I decide to call Isaac and see what he was doing, he lives in New York with his boyfriend but he's staying with his friend in downtown L.A,

Ariana: Hey Isaac

Isaac: hey ari, what's up

Ariana: want to go get something to eat

Isaac: yeah sure!

Ariana: yay, be there in 10 minutes

Isaac: okay see you then

After I got off the phone with Isaac jai calls me, I didn't answer it though, I pulled up to Isaac's friends house and honk my horn, he comes out and greets me with his big cute smile, he gives me a kiss on the cheek and ask where were going to eat, I said "earth" it's mine fav place to eat, he said okay lets go and I drive off,

*skips dinner*

After I drop Isaac off I look at my mine and I have 3 missed calls and 5 texts from beau and jai,

Beau: where tf you at bitch?!

Jai: babe where you at?

I laughed and didn't bother texting them back, I was half way home and jai calls me, I get out of the car and walk inside, jai runs up me to asking me where I been and why haven't I been answering him, I told you I had to do filming today and then I went to dinner with Isaac, he gave me a kiss and said okay just seeing if you're safe, I laughed and put my keys on the table and said hi to the rest of the boys, and then walked up to my room to go to sleep cause I was tired and it's late.

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