Chapter 45- adriana

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*2 months later*

Ariana's *POV*

Adriana is getting so big, her hair is black, and she has hazel eyes and she's just so perfect, today me, Adriana and the boys are going to the grove (outdoor place, like a mall)

To shop jai doesn't want to take the baby's out but I do, this is the first time the "public" will see her, I put a cute pink polkadotted dress on Adriana and white socks with light pink flats, I got a baby bag together and then I got ready, I left my hair down and pin my bags back, dark blue skinny jeans with a red tank top and a black cardigan, I put my black wedges on and then met the boys down stairs, "damn" jai yelled , I laughed and kissed his lips, I see you got your body back fast, working out and dieting will help also lol, beau grabbed the baby's stroller and put it in the back, jai out Adriana in the car and buckled her up and stuff, once we all got situated I drove off,

*skips car ride*

Luke pulls out the stroller and beau gets Adriana out of her car seat and puts her in the stroller, then I took over and pushed, there were some paps but they were nice and I let then take picture of Adriana, jai and James didn't like it though, beau and skip were in the front and beau and luke were behind me, and jai was next to me, fans recognize us and ran over and asked for pictures and to take pictures with the baby but I said no, I don't want anyone touching her sorry my loves, they understood and went on with there day, jai took Adriana out of the stroller cause she was crying, he was so good with her, she always smiled when she was in his arms, she's a daddy's girls I know that for sure.

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