Chapter 68- 2 birthday

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*1 year later*

Ariana's *POV*

Today is Adriana's 2nd birthday, we are having a party like we did last year, family and friends, the house is already decorated so all I have to do is put the food out and he Adriana and myself ready, my crew spent the night last night so I grabbed Adriana out of the crib and walked down stairs, I let her go run around while I got her breakfast ready, I heard Isaac yell and Adriana run back to me, Isaac comes running in behind her, I laughed and have Isaac a hug, "hello my lady" he said, how did you sleep, "good" he replied, I made eggs bacon and toast for everyone and they all sat down and ate, Adriana was the last one done, I wiped her face off then yelled for jai, "yes babe" he said with a cute little voice, can you give Adri a bath please, "yes ma'am" jai said, thanks babe, I kissed him and time Adriana ran up stairs and jai running after her, she's so big now and she has long brown hair and talks kinda fluently, she is just amazing, after I do the dishes me and the crew are going to party store to get something's, I look like a hobo but I don't care, I tell jai and then run to the car and leave.

Jai's *POV*

After I gave Adriana a bath I wrapped her up in a towel and looked for something to put on her, white v-neck and pink shorts, I put socks on her and then her pink nikes, I texted luke and told him I was on my way over, the boys leave down the street so me and Adriana were just going to walk, I put on my jeans and a shirt and my nikes and then grabbed Adriana's hand and walked to the boys house, I hear loud music and girls laughing, there girlfriends must be here, I open the gate and then Adriana must had saw beau and she ran to him, I went inside and asked James and luke if they were coming to the baby's party and the said yes, then kiana (Luke's girlfriend) asked if she could come and I said sure, beau and Adriana came running in and Adriana jumped up on luke, "you're getting so big adri" luke said to her " I'm a big girl now" Adriana said to luke, I laughed and we all walked to the back yard, "daddy I want to get in the pool" Adri begged, you can't right now, mommy will be home to put you in your birthday outfit.

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