Chapter 55- going home

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*2 weeks later*

Ariana's *POV*

Me and Alexa are packing our stuff up cause were leaving today, I'm so happy to go back home but I'm also sad cause jai and the boys aren't coming with me this time, there stay in Melbourne for another month, that means Adriana won't see her dad, I hate this, I just wish either his family could move her for I move here, I know it will never happen but maybe one day, after I got my stuff packed I went in put it in the car, I walk back up to Jai's room and grab his face and kiss him, then Jai grabbed Adriana and held her and kissed her and talked to her.

Alexa's *POV*

I walked back inside from putting my bags in the car, I see like sitting on the couch, I sat next to him and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, "I don't want you to leave babe" luke said with cute little dad eyes, i know baby but it's only a month remember I told him, I heard ariana yell and ask If I'm ready to go, I said sure and luke kissed me very passionately and hard, a tear rolled down my face and luke wiped it away, I smiled and hugged him and then walked to the car.

Ariana's *POV* (again lol)

*skips plane ride*

It's 10:30 at night and we finally made it to L.A, I grab Adriana from Alexa and we walk off the plane, my driver wasn't here yet so we sat down and I fed Adriana, she's almost one and is getting so big, I see my driver and Alexa takes Adriana for me and puts here in the car, my driver put all our bags in the car and then drove us home, I walked in the front door and scream I'm home , Alexa laughed and i put my things in my room and then put the baby her a onesie and some socks and rocked her to sleep, I heard my phone go off so I put Adriana who was knocked out in her crib, I got a text from jai,

Jai: hey babe, I know it's late but I love you and Adriana and give her a kiss for me!

Ari: I just got home, and we love you too! Night baby!

Jai: night ❤️

*end of convo*




I love you guys..

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