Chapter 52- Melbourne

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Ariana's *POV*

We finally were in Melbourne, this will be my first time here, and Adriana's, I woke up jai and told him were here, he popped up and we all got our stuff together, we waited for everyone to get off and then we did, I took Adriana from beau cause I know there will be fans and the boys will have to take pictures and stuff, jai kissed Adriana on the cheek and then we walked off the plane, when we got into the airport all you heard was fans screaming, Adriana started crying and I just soothed her and tried to walk as fast as possible but it was packed with fans, then beau started yelling and telling everyone to stop screaming cause your scaring the baby, and they all kinda stopped screaming but Adriana kept crying, after 3o minutes of trying to get out the airport me, jai, luke and beau got into a cab and headed to their house, skip and James got into different cabs so they could go see family, jai kept biting his nails cause I guess he was nervous, I should be the one who is not him, we pulled up to there house which was pretty big, jai told me it was small, but it really wasn't, jai helped me out the car and then I got Adriana out, luke and beau were already inside and I heard people screaming and laughing, I started to get nervous, jai grabbed our bags and took them in the house and then came back out to help me with the baby.

"You got everything" jai asked, yeah I think so, we walked Ip the steps and into his house, "jai baby" his mom yelled and hugged him, wow she was beautiful, then she looked up at me and said "wow you are stunning" I laughed and said thank and gave her a hug, then she looked at Adriana and started crying, "she's perfect, and has Jai's cute little smile" Gina said, I giggled and handed her the baby. Jai showed me the rest of the house and then took me up to his room, it was pretty big, nice big bed, a tv, he grabbed my hands and put them around his neck, he kissed me very rough and passionate, then I heard Adriana start crying and Gina yelling Jai's name, I laughed and jai ran down stairs.

Jai's *POV*

I love being back home and having ariana and the baby here with me is amazing, I nervous for tomorrow though, my family is very big and I don't want ariana to get nervous and stuff, were going out to dinner in a little bit and ariana is getting ready and I'm waiting for her, she told me to changed Adriana so I did, "I'm ready" Ariana says, I pick Adriana up and me and Ari walk down stairs and wait for everyone else, "BEAU LETS GO" my mom yells. We all get into the car and my mom takes off, were going my out favorite restaurant, it's a seafood place, 20 minutes later we pull up to the place, I could smell the good already, I got out and then help ariana out and beau got Adriana for us, he always had Adriana with him or around him, I love there bond they have, unlike luke Adriana always cries, we walk in and and the lady ask us how many, "reservation for brooks" I told her . "Oh oh yes right this way" she lead us to our table.

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