Chapter 4- taking the boys out!

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Ariana's *POV*

After 5 hours of learning my lines and filming I was finally done, I said bye to Jeanette and I left and got in my car, I picked up pizza on the way back cause I know the boys would be hungry, I feel so bad just leaving them at the house with no car, there stick in the house all day, so I thought after there done eating we would go to the grove (outdoor mall), I walked in the house and skip and James were watching tv and luke and beau was outside, I sat the pizza on the counter and told skip and James to come eat and then I opened the back door and told beau and luke too, I asked where jai was and they said still in bed, why is he in bed I asked luke? " I don't know ask him" he said in a sassy tone, I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs and opened my door, jai was still sleeping so I jumped into of him and he moaned and peaked his eye opened to see who it was, I rolled off of him and he flipped over, he started to kiss me and we made out for a good 5 minutes untill I heard skip yell "YOU BETTER COME GET PIZZA BEFORE BEAU EATS IT ALL" jai hopped up and ran down the steps, I laughed and took my heels off and walked back down stairs, all the boys were stuffing there face with pizza, I took a picture and posted it on Instagram

@Arianagrande: the boys must be hungry 😂🍕?!

I tagged them all in it and locked my phone, I walked over to the fridge and pulled out my cleansing water and drank it, I was just watching them eat and then I asked them if they wanted to get out of the house and go to the grove, they all nodded and I told them to be ready by 6:30 , it's 5:00 now so get ready now I told them and walked up the stairs to go take a shower, after I was done my shower I walked over to my closet and pulled out my pink dress, it was all pink and it was cut out in the back like a heart, then I put my black wedges on and I turned my straightener on cause I never straighten my hair so I thought I would, as I waited for that to heat up I put some back up on, black top eyeliner, mascara, and pink lipstick, my straightener was done heating up so I put my hair in a section and strained it and I did that 2 more times, after I was done I pined my hair back and grabbed my phone and walked down the steps.




Sorry I didn't update yesterday I got busy but here this one is long to make up for it! 😚

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