Chapter 70- wedding

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*4 months later*

Ariana's *POV*

Alexa is fixing my hair and Liz is doing my make up, I put my big white wedding dress on and then my heels, I look pretty if I do say so myself, "you look perfect" Alexa screams, Adriana looks amazing in her dress and her flats are so cute, Liz hands Adri her basket of followers and I grab her hand, we make out way down stairs and me and here are alone standing there waiting for the music to play, the doors open and Adriana is throwing the followers, just as I was about to walk beau grabs me and walks me down the aisle, I smile and grabbed his arm tightly, my dad isn't around and beau is my bestfriend so it's only right if he did walk me, I look over at the boys and start to tear up, they all look do handsome, then I lose it when I see jai, beau kisses my cheek and then I grab Jai's hands, Adriana is right to us looking up, it was so cute, "you may now kiss your bride" jai pulls me in close and crashes our lips together, over a thousand of people scream and clap for us, jai picks up Adriana and grabs my hand and make our way out the doors, I kiss jai and take Adriana and walk to the dressing room to put my "party" dress on, it was a white tight dress and I kept my whore heels on, I put Adriana is a back tutu and a white tank top and then made our way to the dinner area where all the guest were, I walked in and everyone clapped and jai come up and kissed me and hugged, flashes went off from everyone talking pictures and then it got loud and Adriana got upset and started to cry so beau took her, we sat down at the front at the table with my family and the boys, the table was very long, it went James, Alexa, Isaac, beau, Adriana, me, jai, luke, my mom, skip and the Frankie. We ate and then we danced all night, well until 10:30 cause we had to leave.

*1 month later*

Still Ariana's *POV*

I wake up to jai laying on top of me, "wake up babe" jai whispers in my ear, i giggle and tickle his sides and he screams and rolls off of me, I jump on him and bite his neck, he moaned and tickled me, I hear Adriana calling me, jai the baby needs me, he kissed me and says "fine, but tonight I will finish this" I get up and run to her room, her face is really hot and i went to pick her up and she was burning up, her whole body is hot, I yelled for jai , "what is is babe" he came running in, she burning up, I think she's sick, "I'll call the doctor" jai says running out the door.





Sorry it took me so long to update. And omg thanks for 7.2k reads and 219 voted :)

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