Chapter 14- pregnant!

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Beau's *POV*

Jai comes in my room and says I'm going to get a pregnancy test, so watch ariana for me, I'm mouth drops and I nodded and he leaves, I walk in Ariana's room and she's crying, I sit next to her and hug her, she wraps her arms around me and crys louder, I feel so bad, if she is this will mess up everything for her.. James and luke walk in and ask what's wrong ariana looks up and says "I'm a dumb ass and didn't use protection.." Their faces go pale and they sit on the bed, luke tried to tell her it's going to be okay but ariana spat at him and said "no luke it's not" luke didn't know what to say, ariana got up and went in the bathroom and locked the door, we told her if she needs anything just yell for us, she didn't say anything we just heard her crying.

Jai's *POV*

I walk in CVS and ask the lady for 3 pregnancy test and she rings them up and I pay and leave, I pull up to the house and get out of the car and walk up to the door, I saw that the boys were just sitting in the living, I asked where ariana was and beau said she locked herself in the bathroom.. I ran up to her room and knocked on the bathroom door, she yelled go away, I said no and tried to turn the door handle but it was locked, I told her to open the door, she did and I walked in, I say next to her and handed her the bag, she told me to wait on the bed, I walked out and waited for her to come out.

*15 minutes later*

I hear the door open and she was crying again, she gave me the pregnancy tests and they all 3 said positive.. She fell in my arms and broke down, it was bad this time, which made me cry.. I'm not upset about having a baby, I'm upset that our lives have ended.. And now we have to be mature adults and take care of our baby.






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