Chapter 41- coming home

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Ariana's *POV*

My alarm goes off and I get up and turn it off, Jai and beau are landing in about a hour and I have to pick them up, I take a really quick shower and then get out and out on black comfy shorts and my big purple sweater, I put on my black flip flops and grabbed my phone and walk down stairs, I grabbed an apple and a water and then made my way to my car, 20 minutes later I pull up to the air port and I just sit there and wait for Jai and beau, I go on twitter and follow and dm fans and stuff and then I tweeted

@Arianagrande: picking up my injured boys from the airport!

Then I heard screaming fans and looked at the door and saw jai and beau walking out, I didn't get out of the car cause there was so many fans already outside my car, jai opens the back and they both put there stuff in, jai got up from and beau sat in the back, jai grabbed my neck and crashed my lips on his, "my stomach is feeling queasy, can you both stop that" beau yelled , I pulled away and just laughed, jai kept rubbing my thigh and the big baby bump, we got back to my house and I helped them with there bags, beau couldn't go up stairs cause he broke his foot so I helped him in the living room and then put a blanket over him, then me and jai walked up to my room and we couldn't keep our hands off each other. Jai groaned in pain when I put pressure on his stomach, I said sorry and just laid next to him, I asked him why he thought it was okay to be alone at night in a city and he said I don't know we weren't thinking, I can tell I giggled, we laid there all day until it was morning.

Beau's *POV*

I woke up to the smell of bacon and I think waffles, I slowly got up and walked into the kitchen and saw that Ariana was making food, she looked right at me and smiled, I smiled and said wow that smells good, she laughed and said it's done and put the food on my plate and handed it to me, then she made a plate for jai and took it up to her room, damn I wish I had a girlfriend that did that for me, well I am talking to this fan I met in London, it weird talking to a fan but she knows everything about me and loves me for me so I like it, after I was done eating I put my plate on the sink and washed it and then went back to living room and laid down.

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