Chapter 15- icecream!

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Ariana's *POV*

It's been 2 days since I found out I was pregnant, I went to the doctors yesterday to see if I really was and he said I'm almost 4 weeks, just knowing I have a little baby inside makes me happy but also sad, how do I tell my mom and Frankie and my crew.. And my boss, and oh god how do I tell scooter and my fans, omg my god there going to think It's oaky to get pregnant .. i started to cry and I hear my door open it was beau, he has been right by my side since I found out, I wiped my face and tuned around, he flashed me a smile, I have a little fake smile, "can I come sit" he said in a soft voice, I nodded and he came and sat on the bed, he asked me what I was doing to do, I told him I'm going to be a mother and take care of my child, in jai is in my life or not, I brought him or her in the world and I will take care of him or her, beau had a tears roll down his face.. Beau why are you upset? Shouldn't I be?

He wiper his face and hugged me, I was kinda confused but I always loved hugs, he pulled away and looked at me and said I will not let you do this on you're own, i won't let jai leave you, he needs to man up and take care of this girl and his baby! He made me smile cause that was so nice, I laughed and hugged me, I asked him if he wanted to come with me to get icecream and he said sure, I had to get changed first, I told him I'll meet him in the car, he nodded and walked down stairs, I took off my shorts and put Jai's sweatpants on and then put a white v-neck on and slipped on my flip flops and walked down the steps, jai stops me and asks where I'm going I told him I'm going to get icecream he said whatever and walked away.. I don't know why he is acting like this it made me cry.. wow I cry at everything now... I get in the car and beau starts to drive, he asked what's wrong and I said you're brother is mad cause I'm going to get icecream? "WHAT WTF WHY" beau yelled.. I don't know he's been acting weird towards me now.

*skips getting icecream*

We just got back from getting icecream and luke, James and skip are playing FIFA and they said jai was upstairs, I walked up to my room and jai was on his phone just laying there.

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