Chapter 25- getting bigger...

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Jai's *POV*

I'm kinda upset that ariana had to go but we and the boys are leaving in an hour to go talk to the lady who is selling us the house we bought, were seeing when we can move in, well when the boys can, I'm staying with ariana cause of the baby, I can't wait till the baby is here, an hour passes and beau said it's time to go, we get in the car and drive to the new house

*Skips house talk*

The lady said the boys can move in , in like 5 months cause there still working in the house, I texted ariana to we what she is doing

Jai: hey babe, you still with scooter?
Ariana: yes, leaving in a few!
Jai: okay I'll be waiting in bed ;)
Ariana: omg stop babe!

Ariana's *POV*

After 3 hours of talking with scooter i was finally on my home, I opened the front door and beau and James greeted me and gave me a hug, I was really hungry so I asked them what's for dinner they said they ate pizza, I don't eat pizza, so I got some salad and when I was done I walked up to my room, jai was on the bed alseep, wow okay.. I put my phone on the charger and went and took a shower, when I was done I walk back out and jai was awake, I was wrapped up in my towel and jai was loving it, he jumped up and walked over to me, he kissed my neck and I pushed him away.

I need to get dressed babe, he didn't care he kept pulling on the towel, told him to stop and I grabbed my underwear and bra and went back in the bathroom, I felt weird being naked around jai now, I'm getting bigger and I feel and look fat, I walk out in my bra and underwear and jai said "dayummm" I roll my eyes and go to my closet and get my big longer black sweater and put it on and then put my white and black shorts on, I grabbed my phone and get in bed, jai is touching my things, I move my leg thinking he would get the point but no, he kept touching me, I told him to please stop and he got an attitude and asked what was wrong.

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