Chapter 60 - turning 1

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*The next morning *

Ariana's *POV*

I woke up at 6:00 am to start getting ready for Adriana first birthday, a lot of my family is flying in and staying for the weekend, even my aunts and uncles from Italy, I just got done cleaning and decorating the house, it's 8:30 and I hear Adriana crying, I run up stairs and I see jai already taking care of her, he gave her a bath and then I dressed her, I bought her a cute Chanel baby dress and black nice flats, and even channel earning that jai bought her yesterday and beau got her a cute bracelet that is channel too, she looked she cute, I took a picture and put it on Instagram "@Arianagrande: birthday girl is looking fly today 😎" I hear the door bell so I grab Adriana's hand and helped her walk down the steps, I opened the door and my mom and grandparents scream happy birthday, Adriana smiled and hugged Nonna, I asked them to watch her so I could get some stuff done, It's 12:00 now so I started go the food out, everyone should be here around 2 or 3, the boys are all here and look very nice and there behaving for once, then jai tells me to go get ready cause I'm still in shorts and a tank top, I run up the steps and into my room, I out my matching channel dress on like Adriana's but mines white and hers is black, I got a black smoky eye and some foundation, and then I curl my hair, I keep hearing the bell going off, I guess people are here, after I was done my hair I put my black flats on and grabbed my phone and walked down stairs, wow everyone was here, the boys my family, and friends and my crew, Adriana was just waking around saying hi and hugging everyone's legs it was so cute, I greeted everyone and then we started to open get gifts, wow that child has a lot, after opening her present we did cake, she loved when people sang to her, I took so many videos and pictures, I posted a video in Instagram of us singing to her and done pictures, done family and friends started to leave and Nonna nonno and my mom stayed at our apartment down the street, it was just me Adriana, my crew and the boys all chilling outback, I asked Isaac to take a picture of me jai and the baby, and then with all the boys and then the crew and then everyone, Adriana was knocked out of beaus lap, I laughed and beau told me to take a picture, I did and then took her upstairs and changed her and put her to bed, I changed too, into jeans and a oversized sweater, I walk out the back doors and go and sit on Jai's lap, I felt to safe and happy.

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