Chapter 5- the grove !

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Jai's *POV*

We all were waiting for ariana and then I heard her coming down the steps, she looked absolutely amazing, I was shocked cause she straightened her hair, it liked perfect, I gave her a kiss and looked her she looked amazing, she blushed and grabbed my hand, we all walked out the door and walked to her car, beau ran to the passenger seat and it made me mad, I wanted to sit up front with my girlfriend, once we got in I smacked the back of beau's head and told him he was a little cunt, he laughed and did kiddy lips to ariana which made me even more mad, I feel like beau liked her but I know he wouldn't try anything cause he's my bother but I still have to watch out for him when he's around her, Ariana's song "Baby I" comes on and beau turns the radio up and we all start belting the song and ariana is just laughing,

We finally get to the grove and we park and get out of the car, I walked over to ariana and grabbed her hand, I saw paps so I knew she was going to get nervous, I out my hand around her waist and walk in the grove, the paps kept following us until security saw them and told them they had to leave, skip and James are goofing off and running around and then me and ariana go up to random people and start hugging them, then we got mobbed my fans and the security made us leave but ariana is a little bad ass and didn't and we got in more trouble and they called the cops and said either we leave or go down to the station and me and they boys get deployed it,

Beau's *POV*

We had to leave cause the fans mobbed us and security said it's not safe, we got mobbed back to our car too, it was crazy, I've never seen so many fans in the street like that, ariana drove off and they were running after us, we decided to rent a movie and watch it back at the house, we stopped at the closest redbox and ariana got out and got a movie, jai walked with her cause he didn't want anything to happen to her, god for bid a bug lands on her, I laughed and waited for them to get back in the car, couple minutes later they walk back and get in, ariana picked out a scary movie... GREAT.

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