Chapter 35- ehhh

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Ariana's *POV*

Me, Liz, and Aaron are on out way to home from the mall, I bought some baby clothes and stuff for jai, we pull to my house and walk up to the door and walk in, the boys were playing FIFA and being loud and noxious like always, they didn't even hear me come in, Me, Liz, and Aaron walk up to my room and just chill, I told Liz to take a picture of me and Aaron, we were standing up and his arm was on my waist/belly I didn't mind, then I out it in Instagram

@arianagrande: my bestfriend since day 1 💕💯

Jai liked the picture and I heard someone walking up the stairs, I left my door open and look to see who it was, it was jai.

Jai's *POV*

I walked in Ariana's room to see what she was up too, her Liz and Aaron were just sitting there, I asked her what we were doing tonight and she said there leaving soon, still didn't answer my question so I just left and went and played FIFA with the boys, about an hour passes and I hear them coming down the steps, ariana days bye to them and they leave, then she comes and sits next to me holding onto my arm, I kissed her forehead and continued to play my game. Luke got mad cause I won and he didn't want to play any more, then beau asked if we could get in the pool, he wanted to I night swimming, I yelled sure and ariana didn't say anything, she let go of my arm and got up and went to the kitchen, I walked up behind her and out my hands on her belly and asked her what was wrong and she didn't nothing babe, I knew something was wrong but I wasn't going to push it out of her, I walked up to Ariana's room and put my swim shorts on and ran back back down stairs.

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