Chapter 69- happy birthday Adri

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Ariana's *POV*

I come back home to a house full, the boys and there girlfriends and some of my friends like, Liz, Aaron, Matt, jen, and more, I hugged them all and then ran up stairs with Adriana and got her in her birthday girl outfit, it was a cute black sparkly tutu and a hot pink shirt that had "terrible 2's" on it, and then put her hot pink flats on and curled her hair, I put on a black skirt and a Chanel crop top and white heels and then put my hair up in a high pony tail and did a smokey eye and put on lipstick, I told Adriana to come take a picture with me and she did, and then I put it on Instagram? "@arianagrande: my baby is turning 2🎈😭❤️" I posted it and then walked down the steps and put Adriana down, everyone "awed" and said she looked so cute, she was working it, I heard the door bell go off and went and saw who it was, Sean (big Sean) was standing there with gifts in his hands, omg you made it "anything for my niece" Sean is Adriana's godfather, we walked in and everyone greeted him and Adriana screamed and ran towards him, "uncle Sean" she screamed, he picked her up and tickled her and kissed her, the rest of the night we danced and talked.

Jai's *POV*

The next morning I wake up to ariana blowing drying her hair, I throw a pillow at her and she yells "what the hell" , I laugh and get up from the bed, she looks at my bare skin and bites her lip, I pull her face to mine and slowly kiss lips, she puts her tongue on the bottom of my lip, I open and her tongue comes in, i pull her over to the bed and lay her down, "jai I have to go to work" ariana said and pull away from my kiss, I moaned and got off of her and she got up and got changed, I smacked her butt and then walked into Adriana's bedroom, she was still asleep, so I thought I would make ariana some breakfast before work, she comes down the steps and walks in the kitchen and I hand her a plate of food, she smiles and kisses me neck and sits down and eats, "oh my god I'm going to be late" she says and leaves her plate and grabs her keys and runs out the door, I clean up and then here Adriana yell for me, I run up stairs and pick her up, I'm trying to make her use the potty so I take her to the bathroom and tell her to go potty, 10 minutes go by and I hear her yell "daddy I went potty" I ran to the bathroom and wiped her and saw she went potty, I was so happy, I hugged and kissed her and tickled her, "daddy stop" adriana screams cause she's laughing so much.

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