Chapter 6- scary movie!

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Ariana's *POV*

We had to leave the grove cause there was so many people there so I stopped at the redbox and got a scary movie, I wasn't going to you tell the boys what it was till it started cause they hate scary movies, we arrive at my house, I unlocked the door and walked in, the boys kept asking what movie it was but I wouldn't tell them, only jai knew cause he was with me when I got it, I went up stairs and put comfy clothes on, a purple oversized sweater and black shorts. Before I went back down stairs I went in tweeter and tweeted ,

@Arianagrande: scarey movie night with the boys, I have a feeling someone will pee there pants! 😈

I out my phone on charge and shut my door behind me, jai was coming up the steps and he stopped me and whisper in my ear " do we have to watch the movie, I just want to go to "bed" " he winked and started to kiss my neck,I bit my lip and tried not to moan... I was very tempted to strip him right there and walk to my room but I really wanted to spend time with the boys too, I pushed him off and walked down the steps, I looked back and I winked and said later, he blushed and followed right behind me, I see James and luke are laying on the big couch and skip and beau are on the smaller couch, I guess me and jai had to sit together on the chair, I didn't mind but I know he will be tempted to touch me, and i didn't want to do that In front of the boys, I look at jai and he winked, wow he's really horny tonight!

I grab a blanket and jai sat down and I sat on top of him, I started the movie and skip yelled out "oh hell no" I laughed cause I think he knows what movie it is now, then beau yells " fuck no, not the sinister" me and jai just laughed.

Were half way through the movie and Luke is basically ontop on James and beau is ontop of skip, Jai's hand kept creeping down my pants I would pull his hand every time thinking he would get the hint, then he started to suck on my neck, I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't moan, I grabbed his face and pushed it away, he laughed and asked if we could go up stairs now, I said no the movie isn't over, not like I was worried the movie anyways cause he kept putting his hands all over me! 45 mintues later the movie ended and the boys were asleep, jai picked me up and he started walking up the steps, he put me down in the middle , I grabbed his faced and smashed it against mine and he started to squeeze my butt, I pulled away and we walked in my room ...




Oooo I wonder what is going to happen next 😏😉

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