Chapter 18- cooling off!

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Jai's *POV*

I felt so bad for telling Kayla, like I didn't think she would say anything but I guess I was wrong, ariana left, she's so mad at me, I don't blame her, beau flipped out on me, like I'm so stupid man, why did I even say anything, I should have just kept to my self untill me and ariana were ready to tell everyone, my phone has been going off since I woke up, I was so scared to call talk to my mom.

Beau's *POV*

I'm so angry, jai is so fucking stupid, he needs to think before he speaks, 2 hours later I tried to call ariana but she wouldn't answer, I called Isaac and he said he hasn't seen or heard from her today, it made me worry, I texted her telling her to call me, still no answer, I walk down stairs and ask jai if he has heard from her and said no, I called again and she finally answers,

Ariana: yes beau

Beau: ariana where are you, are you okay

Ariana: I'm out, and I'm fine, I just need some time right now, I won't be home tonight and maybe not tomorrow too

Beau: are you sure, and where are you staying then, I just want to know you'll be safe

Ariana: I'm with Liz I'll be fine

*ariana hangs up the phone*

Ariana? Hello? You there?

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