Chapter 10- paparazzi!

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Jai's *POV*

So ariana is driving us to go get something to eat and we into the parking spot and paps (paparazzi) are there, ariana looked at me with fear in her eyes, she is so terrified of paps, I told luke and beau to get out and open her door and hold on to her, I meet them half way and ariana instantly clings to me, the paps keeping yelling things at her like

"you like have all these boys around you"

"You having sex with all of them"

"change you hair up"

"you always leave the house half naked"

Then I hear beau and skip yelling back at them and then one of the paps try and hit beau so skip and luke push him and then ariana started to cry, we were half way to the cafe place and more paps showed up, like what the hell, so we finally reach the little cafe and I open the door and ariana and the boys walk in, ariana goes right the the bathroom and me and the boys order food, I got ariana her favorite salad with vinegar oil. Ariana comes out of the bathroom with mascara half down her face so I wipe it with my shirt and hugged me and we waited for our food.

After we were done eating we waited for a little bit cause ariana saw that there were more paps, then beau said that he would go get the car so he did and when he pulled up we all walked out they kept yelling at her and it made me so mad I pushed one and took his camera and threw it, ariana yelled my name and I jumped in the car, ariana asked why I did that and I told her cause I was sick of them talking shit about you, she smiled and put her arms around me and fell asleep.




No one even reads this..

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