Chapter 43- delivery

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*2days later*

Ariana's *POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night to really bad stomach pains, and I woke jai up and told him we need to go to the hospital, he shot up out of bed and grabbed my bag and out clothes in it and then told beau to help him help me down the a stairs cause I couldn't walk, beau put me in the back seat cause I need to lay down and then beau drove us there, jai ran into the hospital and came out with a wheel chair, I slowly got out of the car and sat in the wheel chair, the lady at the desk ask me when my due date was and I told her in a month, she said I could be going into labor early, jai held my hand the whole time and then a nurse came out and told me my room was ready, I took my clothes off and put the hospital dress thingy on and laid in the bed, I kept screaming and crying and jai looked so scared, I told beau to tell everyone and he said okay, the doctor came and out gel over my tummy and did a ultrasound to see if that baby was okay, he didn't say anything he just said this baby needs to come out now, tears rolled down Jai's face and he came over and kissed my forehead, the doctor then told me to start pushing, ready Ariana , yes, "okay push " the doctor said, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and stop, one more time she said 1 2 3 4 "keep going " 5 6 7 8 and 9

I heard loud cries and screams, And then jai started crying, the doctor put my beautiful baby girl on my now fat stomach, what's the name the nurse said, "Adriana Rose Brooks" jai said very proud, then the nurse took Adriana from me and cleaned her up and wrapped her up in a blanket and handed her to jai, he had the biggest smile in his face, 2 hours later I'm all cleaned up and the rest of the boys are on there way here to see Adriana, jai hasn't put her down yet.




Hope everyone likes this fanfic.

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