Chapter 38- london

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Ariana's *POV*

It's been 2 weeks since the boys have been on tour, I haven't really left the house, only to get something to eat or go shopping with one of my friends, my crew spent the night last night and today we are going to take a private jet to London to surprise the boys, well really me surprise jai but I'll be happy to see all of them, I packed up a bag and walked down the stairs and met them in the car, we got the airport and go in the private jet, Before we took of I tweeted "@arianagrande: can't wait for tomorrow🙈" I tweeted it and turned my phone off, this flight is going to be 10 hours, I'm going to try and sleep all the way through but I know it won't happen.

*10 hours later*

I felt a hand rubbing my back, it was Isaac telling me we landing, I was too tired and my head hurt so Brian carried me off the plan and into the car, once we got to our hotel I texted Jeremy ( the Janoskians manger) and asked him what time and where the show was, he said at 7:00 and told me the place, it's 5:30 now so I thought I would start getting ready now, I got in the shower, I was a looonnngggg shower, I turned the water off and dried myself off, I walked into my room that I had all by myself and opened my bag up, I brought 2 outfits cause we can only stay 1 night because the Friday I'm releasing my single "Problem", I put on black skinny jeans and a white flowy channel blouse with a black cardigan cause it a little chilly in London, I did my signature half up half down hair, and for make up I only mascara and found, i looked at the clock and it said it was 6:30 I put my black flats on and told the crew we need to leave, we all packed in the van and made our way to the venue, I texted jai and told him good luck and that I loved him, he said thanks and that he loves and misses me, I can't wait to see his face when he sees me up at the top ( were the seats are) we pulled up to the venue and got out, my crew surrounded me so no one saw me and ruined the surprise, we got in the building,

I saw Jeremy and pulled him I'm the room where I had to hide at, "how the hell am I suppose to get up to the top seats" I yelled to Jeremy cause the music was loud, he told me to put a jacket on and put the hood up, I took Isaac's jacket and put it on and made me way up to the seats up at the top, I was going to surprise the boys by giving them waters at the end if the show, it's 7:30 and the show started, thank god jai didn't look up at the top.

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