Chapter 44- coming home

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Ariana's *POV*

I heard a knock on the door and said come in, it was the boys, they all ran right the jai and started taking picture of her and beau was the first one to ask to hold her, beau picked her up from Jai's arms and held her like a football, it was so cute, jai came over to me and said "thank you for coming into my life and giving me the best you can and bringing the cutest baby girl in my life, he kissed my cheeks and told beau to let luke hold her, they were all so excited to hold her, beau come over to me and hugged me, after an hour of all the boys holding her taking pictures with I asked jai if I can hold my baby, I haven't held her yet, jai walked over and gave her to me, I tear rolled down my face.. She's do tiny and beautiful, jai said she looks just like me , I laughed, and Adriana smiled, JAI OMG SHE HAS YOUR SMILE, jai laughed and gave me a bottle to feed the baby.

Jai's *POV*

Adriana was perfect, she's so tiny and precious, luke told me there's a lot of paparazzi outside and the were asking us boys about the baby, why can't they give us privacy, I told the nurse and she said she'll send security down and tell them to leave, ariana gets to leave in the next hour and I can't wait, my baby girl will finally be safe in our house, well Ariana's , the boys house is ready for them to move into so tomorrow there doing that, the nurse comes back in and says we can leave, ariana gets dressed and puts her hair up and I put the baby in the car seat and me ariana and the boys all walk out the hospital and right into the car, beau drove me and ariana and Adriana home and the rest of the boys had to go to a meeting so they took a taxi to the meeting. We pulled up to the house and beau helped ariana into the house and up to her room, and I grabbed the baby and the rest of the stuff, I put the bags on the table and walked the baby up to Ariana's room, "bye see you guys later" beau yelled, bye I said, ariana looked so tired. I let her sleep why I was changing and feeding the baby, then I rocked the baby I sleep and put her in the crib I set up last week, she looked so cute I had to take a picture, I sent it to all my friends and family and they all said she was so cute and tiny. I put my phone on charge and laid in bed and wrapped my arms around ariana and went to sleep.

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