Chapter 56- practice?

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Ariana's *POV*

I hear Adriana crying so I jumped up from the bed and went and picked her up, I took her clothes off and gave her a bath, her hair was so long for 9 and half months, it turned out to be dark brown, I loved it, I dried her off and laid her on my bed, I grabbed a diaper, and jeans and a cute shirt that says "hate on me" it was pink and the lettering was black, beau got it for her, when I was done dressing her I took a picture and put it on Instagram,
"@Arianagrande: Adriana wearing her fav shirt her uncle boo boo got her @beaupeterbrooks.❤️" after I posted it I got ready and did my hair and makeup, I left my hair down and curled it, and I just put eyeliner and mascara on, I put on my black jeans and my pink lace shirt that have a cut out of a heart on the back, I put my black heels on and then grabbed Adriana and my phone, I walked down stairs and I seen Alexa outside in the pool, I opened the door and told her I was going out and I'll be back later she said can I come I says sure and she got dressed and then we left and then I texted Brian,

Ari: hey I'll be there soon!

Brian: okay I'll see you there!

Ari: I have Adriana too is that okay?

Brian: yasss that my girl! Lol

Ari: lmfao, okay good 😂

*end of convo*

I pull up to the dance studio and grab Adriana from her car seat and then walk in, I was greeted by my crew, I missed them so much, Brian took Adriana and started to dance with her, I turn on the radio and my girl iggy comes on, "I'm so fancy you already know" I hear Isaac screaming, we all laugh and dance, then Adriana starts walking over to me, I screamed and everyone was cheering her on, it was the cutest thing, when she got to me I picked her up and kissed her and told her good girl, I was so happy, I told Alexa to watch Adriana while I dance and stuff, after 3 hours of practicing we all went and got food, when we sat dine Isaac asked me when I'm telling everyone about the tour I'm doing in 2 months, I shrugged my shoulders and he said I should tell them soon, and "then" he means jai and my fans, I'm scared to tell jai, me and talked about after having this baby that I would take 3 years off, but I can't, this is my job, "I know Ari but he needs to know" Isaac keeps telling me over and over, when he comes back to L.A I will.

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