Chapter 63- buss times

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Ariana's *POV*

I sang the last line of The Way and then blew kisses and walked off, my cheeks hurt from smiling, i walked to my dressing room an found Adriana asleep in beaus arms, it was so cute, "good job babe" jai said and kissed my lips, thanks baby, I picked up Adriana and kissed her forehead and just held her, Isaac said they bus will be here in 20 minutes, I can't wait to see where I'm going to be loving for the next month, I hope this tour bus is big, I hand jai Adriana so I could change, I went in the bathroom and put on my PINK sweatpants and a black tank top and a grey PINK hoodie, I walked out of the bathroom and all the boys were gone, it was just Alexa, she said they went to the bus, OMG ITS HERE I yelled and grabbed my stuff and ran out the doors, my mouth dropped to the floor , this bus was fucking huge, I got on and all the boys picked there bunks already, but I'm glad it had 2 big beds in the back, I told Alexa she was going to sleep in the back with me but she said she wanted to be with like which was fine so I jai took the other bed in the back, I put all my stuff on the bed in the back and then I looked around, it had 2 floors!! The main floor was where all the bunks and beds were and a bathroom, I walked up the narrow steps and saw a big tv 3 couches and a chair and 2 fridges and a oven, oh and a bathroom, wow this is huge, I called scooter and told him I loved him and thank you, this was Justin biebers bus but he got a new one so this is mine now.

Alexa's *POV*

Ariana did amazing and now were all on the bus driving to I don't even know where, I'm just so happy, I'm with my boyfriend and my bestfriends for a whole month, me and luke got up from the couch and walked down the steps and got in our bunks, " come over here with me" Luke said with a puppy dog eyes, I laughed and jumped out of bed and jumped up to his bunk, he wrapped his arms around my waist and started to kiss me, it got very heated and his hands were now on my butt, and my hands were all over, fling me on top of him but I stopped him cause I mean we are on a buss with other people, luke not here, luke moaned and I laid next to him, we cuddle and then fell alseep.

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