Chapter 24- there home!

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*3 weeks later*

Today was the day the boys were coming back go L.A, I have to go pick them up at 2:00, it's 1:00 now so I thought I would get in the shower and freshen up, I picked out some black high wasted shorts and pink tank top with a cream cardigan over it, and I put my light pink flats on, I walked down stairs to get something to eat, I get a text from jai saying they landed, I was so excited but nervous cause I'm getting bigger and I feel fat and what if jai doesn't look at me the same.. I grabbed my keys and drove to the airport.

I waited where they were going to come out at and I looked in my mirror and I saw them, I opened my door and ran to jai, he picked me up and I wrapped my legged around him, then I saw paps and he put me down and I got back in the car while they put all there stuff in the back, jai say up front and when he got in he instantly kissed me, and said I looked beautiful, he made me blush and he pinched my cheek, all the boys were glad to be back, I just wanted to cuddle with jai all day, but I had to go see scooter at 4:00, and then later the boys are going to look at there house they bought to see when there were going to move in.

We get in the house and the first thing the boys do is ran up to there rooms they've been staying in and lay in there beds, it was funny, me and jai walk up to my room and jai puts his hand on my little belly bump and I pull his face up and kiss him, I've been waiting for 2 months to kiss his lips, they were so soft and I just loved it. I had to leave so I gave him a another kiss and he wouldn't let go, he held me there and kept kissing my face, it was cute, i finally got away and told him I'll be back.

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