Chapter 40- hurt?

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*1 month later*

I wake up to my phone ringing, it's the boys manger Jeremy, I answer it and say hello?

Jeremy: jai got hurt, beau and jai were out last night without a body guard and there were a group of big men and they beat jai and Beau up and jai just stab and one side of his rib cage is broken,

Ariana: what Jeremy slow down I can't hear you, jai is hurt, where are you guys?!

Jeremy: at the hospital in New Zealand!

Ariana: I'll be there soon!

Jeremy: no ariana your to pregnant to be flying, jai and beau will be home tomorrow night!

Ariana: I need to see them!

The phone when flat and tears went down my face, I can't believe jai and beau got hurt, my boyfriend and bestfriend, I couldn't stop crying, what if he doesn't make it, omg, ariana stop, stop thinking like that, he'll be fine, I got dressed and walked stairs and got in my car to go to my doctors appoint, I didn't even want to go cause I'm so upset but the baby needs to be safe and healthy and I need to know if she is, I pull up to the big tall building and walk in the office, the nice lady told me to have a sit in the waiting room and I did, I got a text from jai saying he's okay and don't worry about him, I told him I love you and to get home ASAP, he said tomorrow night,


The doctor called my name and I got up and walked with her to a room, I laid down and pulled my tank top up, the cool gel hit my belly and made me have goosebumps, the doctor said everything was fine and that I'm 7 months pregnant and my due date is July 8th, I can't wait, I texted jai and told him but he don't answer, I got back in my car and drive to Brian and Scott's apartment just so I could get my mind off some stuff and their my bestfriends and they know how to make me smile.

Jai's *POV*

I'm laying in this hot ass hospital waiting to be discharged, me and beau went and took a walk and some big ass men came up behind us and jumped us, I get stab and one side of my ribcage is broken, and beau has a black eye and broken arm, I'm so sad me and beau can't finish the last 4 days of the tour, but I can't wait to see ariana, she is the best medicine, the doctor finally says me and beau can leave, I call Jeremy and tell him to come pick us up,

*2 hours later*

Me and beau are all packed up and ready to get on that plane and go back to L.A this flight is 12 hours though, I say my goodbyes to the boys and get in the plane, I out my headphones in and go to sleep.






Sorry this chapter is so shitty, and pleas vote and tell you're friends about this book plz! 💕

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