Chapter 33 - it's complicated..

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Ariana's *POV*

I woke up feeling very nauseous, I felt it about to come up, I ran out Frankie's room and pushed passed luke and beau and threw up into the toilet, beau ran after me and held my hair for me, luke got me a towel and helped me up, I said sorry and then I pushed my teeth, "what are you saying sorry for" the both said at the same time, I smiled and walked back to Frankie's room, but before I got in the room beau asked if I was okay cause of what happened last night and said sorry, I said I'm fine and walked into the room and closed the door behind me. I didn't want to talk or see anyone today.

Beau's *POV*

Ariana said she was fine but I could tell she wasn't, I felt so bad, shayla (the girl from last night). tried to swing on Ari, and ariana is pregnant, I don't think shayla knew that though, and jai was being a dick to ariana last night, I walked into Ariana's room and saw that jai was up and on his phone, I told him he needs to talk to Ari, he asked why and I told him everything, we was very shocked and he said he's going to tell that girl off, I laughed and told him he was being rude to ariana last night too and his face went from happy to sad, he got up and walked to Frankie's room.

Jai's *POV*

I knocked on the door and she didn't say anything, I told her it was jai and she said go away, I said no and told her to let me in, then she opened the door and told me to go talk to that girl from last night and then slammed the door in my face, I heard her crying, which made me feel like a ass, I told ariana I didn't want that girl and that I wanted her and only her, but she never said anything, I walked back into Ariana's bedroom and texted that girl,

Jai: I was drunk last night so anything I did it said meant nothing, and don't ever try to swing on my PREGNANT girlfriend again!

Shayla: wow jai really okay, and I didn't know she was! My bad.

Jai: yes really! And okay well I was just letting you know.

She never texted back so I left it as that and went in twitter and dm and follow some fans and then I tweeted

@Jaibrooks1: I think I really messed up this time..

I tweeted it and then out my phone on charge

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