Chapter 72- tumor ?

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Ariana's *POV*

Me and jai have been at the doctors waiting for about 2 hours, finally the doctor comes in, "I have so bad news" she said and told us to sit down, jai grabbed my hand and I felt a year hit my thigh, "so what's the news" jai asked, "she has a very small tumor in her tummy" my face fell open and jai grabbed my hand tighter and pulled my face into his chest, I cried and cried, and then they brought Adriana in the room, she was still asleep, I kissed her forehead and held her tiny hand, "she's only 2, she's too young to be going through this" jai yelled to the doctor in the hallway, when jai came back in he told me she has to stay here for 2 days and then Friday they were going to do her surgery on her tummy, i pushed jai into my chest and rubbed his back, and he cried, I heard his phone go off and I take it out of hoe pocket and answer it, "jai where are you, your late for the meeting" beau screamed through the phone, beau this is ariana, were at the hospital Adriana has a tumor and has to stay here for a week. the phone went dead and jai was holding into Adriana's hand, it was so cute I took a picture and put it on twitter, "Arianagrande: please pray for Adriana she isn't going well thank you❤️"

I hear a knock on the door and yell come in, the boys walk in with balloons and flowers and Adriana's fav candy, I smiled and beau hugged me, he broke down and cried, he saw Adriana and he walked over to Adriana and kissed her cheek and held her hand, I think this is the hardest for beau out of the boys, ever since Adriana was born she always wanted him and when she cried he would always make her happy and laugh,

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