Chapter 54- alexa

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Ariana's *POV*

We've been in Melbourne for about a week or two and Alexa my bestfriend is about to be here in about 2 hours, I cannot wait, this will be both of our first times going to see the different places in Australia, I give jai a kiss on my cheek and slowly slide out of the bed and walk over to Adriana's play pin where she's wide away laying there, it was so cute, I pick her up and kiss her fat cubby cheeks and then give her a bath, I wrapped a towel around her and laid her on the bottom of Jai's bed and put a cute flower dress on her and then out her black flats on, i put Adriana back in her play pin and then I get ready, I out my hair up in a pony tail and then curled it, and then light make up, I wore my white waisted shorts and a teal crop top, and I wore my white heels, I told jai I'll see him later and he moaned and I kissed his lips, Alexa just texted me saying she's ready to be picked up so I grabbed Adriana and my phone and took beaus car to the airport, I haven't seen alexa for about 8 months, she's in school so she never has time to hangout and come to L.A

I pull up to the airport and alexa jumps up and down and screams my name, I ran and hug her and then I put her stuff in the trunk, we drive to the hotel she's staying at and drop her bags off, I text jai and tell him were coming back to the house and he said okay, Alexa and luke have been "talking" and tbh there the cutest. We pull up to the house and Alexa starts pulling on my leg, you'll be fine I tell her, "what if he doesn't like me" Alexa y'all have been on FaceTime so many times and girl you look perfect, she had on a kinda shorts dress and combat boots, it was really cute, I grabbed Adriana and we walked up the steps and into the house.

Alexa's *POV*

Ariana walked in first and then I did, I saw luke sitting in the living room playing game, beau have me a big hug and then yelled "luke your "princess" is here" luke looked at me and smiled and then walked over to me, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close and hugged me, it was so warm and long and I didn't want to let go, then when I went to go pull away he kissed me, HE KISSED ME, I blushed when he pulled away, he took my hand and we walk to the living and sat down, he was laying FIFA with jai, jai waved to me and asked how I was and I said I'm perfectly happy and i put my hand on Luke's thigh.

*the next day*

I woke up to music blasting and beau dancing and singing, I got up and walked into the kitchen where he was and just laughed, he was a mess, food was everywhere, I helped him clean it up and then I heard raspey tired voice say "loving the view" I stood up and turned around and it was luke looking me up and down, (I was in shorts and a tank top) I bet you did I smirked at him, he ran over to me and hugged me and told me he wanted to take me out for dinner later on, I nodded and asked him to drive me to my hotel, he said sure and then got into the car.

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