The Report

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The next morning Leo came downstairs and saw her father cooking breakfast. Alopex and Kitsune had left to go into town. She nervously sat down when Tigerclaw placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her.

"Dad, I'm sorry about last night." She sighed, not looking up from her breakfast. He sighed.

"I'm more upset that you lied to me." He said. "You're my only child, my little daughter, I just want you to be safe, so imagine how scared I was when you didn't come home and when Mrs. O'Niel said you had left home and then you come home in a very revealing outfit." He explained.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just wanted to have some fun and I didn't want people at school to think of me as some silly little bookworm with no social life." She sighed.

Tigerclaw chuckled softly and rubbed her head lovingly.

"Nobody thinks that, angel. It doesn't matter what people think, what matters is what you think of yourself."

"So, does that mean I can go to Antonio's after school with a friend?" She asked with a smile. Tigerclaw laughed and hugged her.

"Alright, but be back by 6."...


After school was over Leo sat on the steps in front of the school and read a book as she waited for Raph to meet her. After about half an hour a shadow lumed over her, she looked up and saw Raph smiling at her.

"Sorry, been in another detention." He grinned.

"What for now?"

"Just some graffiti in thathe boy's restroom." He replied as they walked down the street. Leo rolled her eyes as they walked into the pizza place...


After ordering their pizza the two sat down and made small talk for about 10 minutes.

"So, are we gonna do this project?" He asked. Leo arched a non-existent eyebrow at him while Raph laughed. "What, it's a way fer me ta get ta know ya. So where do we start?"

"Well for one, I'm adopted."

"Really?! But Alopex and Tigerclaw seem ta love ya like ya were their own."

"To them I am their real daughter. My parents always wanted children but then they found out my Dad was sterile, so they adopted and raised me from infancy."

"What about ya real parents?"

"My mother is a heroine addict who gave me up when I was a week old and I don't know who my father is, I doubt that he even knows I exist. My mother's name is Eroina Aiuto and she was aroundmy age when she had me."

"Have ya ever met her?" Raph asked.

"Once, a long time ago." She sighed. After an awkward moment of silence Leona cleared her throat. "So what about you?"

"Ha! Where do I start? Well, fer one, I ain't my mother's first kid. Ya know Karai? She's my older half sister."

"Wait, you mean Oroku Karai? The most popular girl in school!?" She exclaimed. Raph chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, we have tha same Mom, different Dads. My Mom loves all four of us but my Dad doesn't really like Karai, says she's a bastard."

"He sounds like fun." She giggled.

"Oh yeah, believes that a baby should be born in marriage. Very strict, kinda like yer gran."

"I wouldn't be so sure. She was only sixteen when she had my mother and it was a one night stand." She explained. Raph chuckled as they are their pizza...


"Ya want a ride ta school tomorrow?" Raph asked as he pulled up outside her house.

"Sure, could park around the corner so my parents don't see you. My Dad would tear you to pieces if he saw you." She giggled.

"Deal. So, pick ya up at 8?" He asked, leaning in slightly. Leo unconsciously copied his moves.

"That's fine with me." She whispered.

They closed their eyes when their lips connected...

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