Final Exams

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Leo sighed as she got out the shower. It was the day of her final exams and she was a little nervous. Once she got dressed she went inside and saw Yuki was still asleep in her crib.

She sighed.

It was really a shame to wake her when she was so peaceful but she knew she had to get the little one to the daycare. 

She decided to let the little one sleep for a few minuets.

She got Yuki's clothes ready and Mr. Stuffington was put in her backpack along with some other stuff she might want to take with her.

"Honey, time to wake up." She whispered to her baby. The little turtle yawned as she stretched her little arms and legs.

"Mommy?" She whimpered.

"Yes baby girl, it's time to get ready for daycare." She smiled as she lifted the toddler out of the crib.

"Ah don't wanna." She whined as her mother dressed her. Once she was dressed they went down stairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey princess, I'll take Yukiko to daycare for you." Tigerclaw said when they entered the kitchen.

"You don't need to do that." She said.

"Nonsense honey, we don't want you late on the day of your exam." Kitsune smiled. Leona sighed and went to get a bowl of cornflakes...


"Alright!" The principle called out to all the students. "I want the girls on the left side and the boys on the right side!" He ordered as they started filling the gym filled with desks.

"You're nuts." April said to Leo as they signed the register. The teen had just finished telling her what Raph had said the other day. "Anyone can see he's head over heels for you."

"I know he is but also I know that he doesn't want to keeping driving up to what ever college I'm at just to see me and Yuki everyday, it'll drive him insane so it's better this way." She explained to her human friend.

"Ladies." The principle said and held out a plastic box. They sighed in annoyance before dropping their cell phones inside and going to sit down.

Leo looked around and saw Raph at the other side of the room, staring at her...


Raph felt like slamming his head against the desk. It was almost halfway through the exam and hundreds of thoughts kept swirling around his brain.

He just couldn't focus on his exams.

He looked over at Leo and saw that she had her head down and was writing on her paper.

Suddenly he slammed his pen on the desk and walked right out of the room, much to everyone's shock. The principle quickly followed him out.

"Raphael Hamato?" He called once they were out in the hallway. "What's wrong, are you ill?" He asked.

"No, I feel great." He replied with a big smile on his face.

"You can't just walk out like that."

"Just have." He smirked.

"What's the matter?" Leo asked as she walked out the room.

"Nothin',  just go back in." He reassured her.

"Not 'til I know what's going on."

"If you're worried about not being able to answer all the questions that's not a problem." The principle told him.

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