Money Makes The World Go Round

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That night, after getting Raph to calm down over the rent, he and Leo were back in the kitchen, deciding what to have for dinner.

"So what's in?" She asked.

"Um, well, we've got rice, coffee and salt." He cringed and Leo looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

"Are you serious? This isn't funny, we have to feed Yuki."

"Ya can live on rice ya know."

"Oh yeah, my Mom would love that, she'd be onto Social Services straight away." She glared as there was knock on the door.

When Leo opened it she saw that it was Catherine.

"I was just on my way home from Bible study and the door downstairs is open so I thought I'd pop in." She smiled as Leo let her in. "Is Yuki asleep?"

"She's just in her bedroom playing."

"I'm not disturbing you am I?"

"No, we're just tryin' ta decide what ta have fer dinner, kitchen's dare 'til pay day." Raph sighed.

"Are you finding it hard to make end's meet?" Catherine asked softly.

"Rents just gone up." Leo sighed.

"I'll tell you what, why don't I go down to the store and buy you a few bits and pieces?" The older turtle asked with a smile. "I could cook you a meal as well if you want."

"W-Well, if your sure." Leo smiled.

"Get me a pen and paper and write down what you need."

"Do ya need any help?" Raph asked.

"Oh no, your alright." She smiled as she walked towards the door, but then stopped and turned to them. "Of course, you what would solve this problem? One way around it might be if you all moved in with me."

Leo and Raph's jaws nearly hit the floor.

"I know it's not ideal and that you'd rather have a place of your own but until you find your feet in life it might be a good idea."

"We'll think about." Leo smiled and Catherine left...


Later that evening, Catherine returned with bags full of groceries and went straight into the kitchen with them.

As she and Leo cooked the dinner, Raph was busy playing with Yuki.

After nearly an hour the table was set and the makeshift family were sat around with plates of spaghetti and meatballs.

"So, have you thought about what I said?" Catherine asked with a smile.

"Yes we did, and we'd like a bit more time to decide what we're going to do because it is a big thing." Leo explained before Raph could get a word in.

"There's no rush." She smiled back.

"Which rooms would we have if we did do it?" Raphael asked before taking a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Well we'd have to sort that out, there won't be a problem I have plenty of space."

"You know that room in the back? That'd be great for me and Raph." Leo smiled, but frowned in confusion when she saw the worried look on Catherine's face. "That is, unless you don't want us to use it."

"I've no problem using it but, um, you wouldn't be sharing it together, would you? I mean, you're not married are you?" She asked nervously.

The two teens froze in shock and shared a look of disbelief.

"I couldn't condone you sleeping together under my room; the body is not for fornication but for the lord, we were studying that tonight." She smiled.

"OK, we'll think about it." Leo replied.

"Well like I said, there's no rush."...


As Catherine was washing the dishes Leo and Raph were in their bedroom, discussing what to do about the older turtle's offer to move in.

"Raph, we can't go on like this, we've got no money." Leo sighed.

"We'll survive, don't worry."

"How exactly? Last I checked, you can't work miracles!"

"I will if it stops us movin' in with that weirdo Catherine then yeah!"

"She's not a weirdo, she's just offering me a place to go with Yuki."

"Yeah, and have me sleep in tha spare room! It's a crazy idea!"

Leo sighed and she left with Raph to go talk to Catherine about her generous offer. They saw her sat on the couch with Yuki on her lap.

"Catherine, we just wanted you to know that we do appreciate your offer to move in and we've had a talk and we've decided that we can't except." Leo explained.

"Oh." Catherine replied with a sad look on her face.

"Me and Leo have been through a lot together and we don't get enough time together as it is so we don't wanna be sleepin' in separate rooms or livin' apart." Raph added as he wrapped an arm around Leona.

"Well you understand that I-"

"We respect ya beliefs, and it was nice of ya ta offer." Raph quickly said.

"I was only trying to help; I mean, how are you going to handle the rent increase?" She asked with a soft smile, showing there were no hard feelings.

"We'll think of something." Leo sighed.

"Well until you do, this should see you through the first month." She smiled and pulled out a small brown envelope and handed it to her granddaughter. "There's $300 in there, so is for the rent and the rest is for you two to have a night out, I'll watch this little one."

"I-I don't know what to say." Leo exclaimed.

"Don't say anything, just get dressed and enjoy yourselves."

Leo gave the older female a quick hug before she and Raph rushed to get ready...

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