New Grandmother

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The next day Alopex was back in the bar after another days work. She hated to say it but it was nice to get out now that she didn't have to watch Yuki for Leona anymore.

When she got her drink she saw Tang Shen at the other end of the bar.

"So how did the babysitting go last night?" She asked the human.


"Leona said you were looking after Yukiko so she and Raphael could go out last night."

"But they told me you were looking after her." She replied, extremely confused.

"No I didn't, I'm not aloud anywhere near her."

"That's not what they told me."...


After finishing her drink Alopex went straight over to the cafe where Leo worked. When she entered she saw Leo mopping the floor.

"I don't know why you feel you have to lie to me." She glared at her daughter.

"About what?" Leo sighed, although she had a pretty good idea.

"Tang Shen babysitting, we do talk to each other you know."

"I got someone else to do it in the end." She shrugged. "Anyway, it's none of your business."

"What ever you say." Alopex sighed and turned to leave.

"If you must know, Catherine looked after her." She glared.


"Catherine Aiuto, my biological grandmother."

"What she doing around here?" Alopex glared.

"She is my grandmother and Yuki's great-grandma, or 'Nana' as she likes to be called."

"She hardly knows you, she hasn't laid eyes on you since you were a baby!"

"She's making up for lost time, we've been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now and we're getting one very well." She smirked.

"I see." Alopex sighed.

"Yeah she's really nice and helpful and supportive!"

"Everything I'm not." She mumbled.

"Well, it's your fault you're not in Yuki's life anymore." Leo glared before heading into the kitchens, leaving Alopex alone...


That night Alopex and Tang Shen arranged to meet at the bar to talk.

"Can I have a dry white wine please." Alopex sighed when the two women walked up to the bar to get their drinks.

"So did you find anything out about this mystery babysitter?" Shen smiled.

"Apparently Leona has a new grandmother." She frowned.

"Oh, I see."

"And as far as she's concerned she's no further use for the old one."...

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