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Leo had a content smile on her face as she watched Yuki doodled in a colouring book. Raph was due back from work any minuet and it was her day off.

"Hey, look who's here." Raph smiled as he lead Catherine into the apartment. This was the old turtle's second visit and saw was happy to see them again.

"Hello Leona." She smiled and looked at Yuki. "Aw, look at you lovely girl, she's an angel from heaven isn't she, such a pretty thing." She smiled as she tickled Yuki's beak before sitting up to look at her granddaughter. "I'm sorry for turning up like this, I don't want to disturb you."

"Ya not, is she Leo?" Raph asked.

"Oh no, we're not doing anything right now, do you want some tea?"

"Well I wasn't going to stop but yeah, thank you." She smiled and Leo looked at Raph, the green eyed turtle sighed and went to the kitchen. "I hope you don't mind but I've brought you a little present." Catherine smiled and lifted a toaster out of her bag.

"Oh Catherine, thank you!" Leo exclaimed happily and went into the kitchen.

"Yes, well, I noticed you don't have one and that one was just sitting in the basement going to waste and I thought you might want it." She shrugged and started playing with Yuki.

"It looks like a really new one." Raph whispered to Leo as he examined the toaster. "I think she's bought it just now."

"Don't be stupid." Leo replied. "Thanks again Catherine, it's really nice!"

Raph just sighed...


"And where do you think you're going." Yoshi glared at his wife. He had just found Shen putting of old plates and other cutlery that they didn't use anymore into her car.

"I'm taking these around to Raphael's apartment, I feel like he could use them." She replied coldly.

"If he wants his own plates he'll have to buy them." Yoshi said and snatched the box out of her hands.

"What is wrong with you Yoshi?!" She growled. "He is your son!"

"He may be my son but that doesn't mean that when ever things get rough he can come crawling back here! I mean it, Shen! He wants to stand on his own two feet then he can do that because that boy needs a reality check!" He shouted and went back inside.

Shen just glared at her husband's retreating form...

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