Dinner Disaster

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It was finally Christmas Day!

Leo was frantically rushing around, trying to make sure that they had everything before they headed of to her parents' house for dinner. She was so busy that she had completely forgotten that Catherine was coming over until the old woman turn up on their doorstep.

But what shocked her even more was the small TV she had brought with her as a present for her and Raph.

"Oh Catherine, this must of cost you a fortune!" Leo exclaimed as they started at the new TV in shock. "We can't except this!"

"No we can't." Raph agreed. "Thanks but it's too much."

"Don't worry, I get more out of giving than receiving and who else do I have to give to except you and your little family?" Catherine smiled as Yuki showed her all the gifts that Santa had brought her.

"It's really naughty, but thank you." Leo giggled as she gave the older turtle a hug.

"Well, if you really want to thank me, would you mind coming over to mine for Christmas dinner? I've got a big box of crackers and I can't pull them on my own." She joked.

"Oh I'm sorry Catherine, but my families already asked me and I really want to try and patch things up with them." Leo winced as a knot of guilt formed in her stomach.

"No I'm sorry, I should of spoke sooner, that's always been my problem." Catherine sighed, but still smiled...


Alopex growled in frustration as she ran about the house, trying to make dinner and sort her husband and mother out. When Leona had told Kitsune that she, Yuki and Raph were coming to dinner the fox had been over the moon.

Now she wanted everything to be perfect.

"Is anyone going to get that?" She scowled as the doorbell kept ringing.

Tigerclaw sighed and went to open the door. There was a silence as Leo nervously walked in with Raph and Yuki behind her.

"Merry Christmas." Alopex smiled as she and her daughter shared a hug before she moved to the child in Raph's arm. "Hello sweetheart, are you having a fun Christmas? Are taking your coat off Raphael, or are you not staying?"

"I'm stayin', thanks." Raph smiled as he put Yuki down and took his and her coats. As Yuki ran over to the presents, Alopex walked over to her daughter.

"So, how are things?" She asked.

"They're fine thanks." Leo replied dryly.

"So have you thought about going back to school yet?" Alopex asked with a desperate tone.

"Mother, we've been over this, if I go to college then I won't be able to work and me and Raph need all the money we can get." Leo growled, grabbing everyone else's attention.

"Leona, you mustn't do this!" She exclaimed. "You're a smart girl and I can't just stand by and watch you ruin your life!"

"Well I've got one way we can solve that problem then!" Leo snarled as she stood up. "Just don't look at me!"

"I didn't mean that!" Alopex cried.

"'Cause I can't bare the way you look at me anyway, it's as though I've failed you in some way and I can't bare it, it's too big a price to pay for a bite to eat! Come on Raph." She growled as she grabbed their coats and turned back to the fox. "This is my life and if you can't except that then that's your problem!"

"Honey, please sit down and have something to drink." Kitsune pleaded.

"No we've got people who are more than willing to feed us for none of the price!"

"Sit Down!" Alopex shouted.


"I'M NOT ORDERING YOU!!" She argued but her daughter refused to listen and she and boyfriend stormed out with their daughter.

After a moment of silence, Alopex sighed.

"I know." She muttered to her mother he glared daggers at her back. "I know."...

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